[GEM-dev] more OSX 10.3 compilation - class_set_extern_dir

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Thu Jul 7 09:29:56 CEST 2005

günter geiger wrote:
> Hi,
> My compilation of Gem just stopped at this function in pix_freeframe ..
> considering that the function is not exported from pd, I was wondering
> what it does and why it is used (and why only under OSX).
> For the moment I just removed it to be able to go on with the compilation.
it is just a left-over from copy'n'paste code of s_loader.c
i don't know why it is just on the __APPLE__ side, probabably because i 
tested it on linux and windows and had to remove it there to make it work.

as a matter of fact it shouldn't be there at all; so i removed it in the 


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