[GEM-dev] continueRender weirdness?

james tittle tigital at mac.com
Thu Aug 10 18:44:57 CEST 2006

hey chris,

On Aug 10, 2006, at 11:13 AM, chris clepper wrote:

> Bad Shark trace?  What does OGLProfiler say?
> 62k triangles is a fair amount.  I would expect the memcpy() from  
> the cache to the GemState to eat the most time.

...well, if it is a bad shark trace, then it's highly reproducible ;-\

...As expected, OglProfiler reports that we spend only ~2% of app  
time in GL, and of that, ~63% is in glBufferData(), which would be  
expected...it does remind me that I need to switch [vertex_draw] to  
not always using glBufferData(), but instead use glMapBuffer/ 
glUnMapBuffer or glBufferSubData() if the data hasn't changed size...


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