[GEM-dev] Intel success story

Matteo Sisti Sette matteosistisette at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 13:15:22 CEST 2009

Chris McCormick escribió:

> So true. One of the magical things about F/OSS is that it forces you to adopt a
> zen-like patience. 

Commercial software does the same, to a much higher degree (from the 
standpoint of the user I mean) - far too much indeed. The difference is 
that it is quite difficult to adopt such a patience when you have paid 
hundreds of dollars for a LICENSE, and you are probably expected to pay 
more just to get what you already paid for (i.e. purchasing the upgrade 
when is the only way to get the bugfixes).

Matteo Sisti Sette
matteosistisette at gmail.com

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