[PD-cvs] externals/pdp/system/mmx Makefile, 1.3, 1.4 pdp_mmx_test.c, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_add_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_biquad_dirI_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_biquad_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_ca_s1.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_cascade_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_cheby_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_conv_hor_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_conv_ver_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_crot_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_gain.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_gain_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_mix_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_mul_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_pack_s16u8.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_rand_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_randmix_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_resample_s16.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_s1.s, 1.2, 1.3 pixel_unpack_u8s16.s, 1.2, 1.3

Hans-Christoph Steiner eighthave at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Dec 16 02:05:42 CET 2005

Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pdp/system/mmx
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6756/system/mmx

Added Files:
	Makefile pdp_mmx_test.c pixel_add_s16.s 
	pixel_biquad_dirI_s16.s pixel_biquad_s16.s pixel_ca_s1.s 
	pixel_cascade_s16.s pixel_cheby_s16.s pixel_conv_hor_s16.s 
	pixel_conv_ver_s16.s pixel_crot_s16.s pixel_gain.s 
	pixel_gain_s16.s pixel_mix_s16.s pixel_mul_s16.s 
	pixel_pack_s16u8.s pixel_rand_s16.s pixel_randmix_s16.s 
	pixel_resample_s16.s pixel_s1.s pixel_unpack_u8s16.s 
Log Message:
checking in pdp 0.12.4 from http://zwizwa.fartit.com/pd/pdp/pdp-0.12.4.tar.gz

--- NEW FILE: pixel_resample_s16.s ---

#interpolation data:
#* 4 vectors: neighbourhood for samples (TL, TR, BL, BR)
#* 2 vectors: fractional part (unsigned)
#* 2 vectors: addresses of pixel blocks

#coord conversion data:
#1 vector: 32bit splatted address	
#1 vector: 16bit splatted w-1
#1 vector: 16bit splatted h-1
#1 vector: 16bit splatted w (reuse w-1 with add?)
#1 dword:  32 bit line offset

#coord generation data:	several vectors for parameter update stuff..

#coordinate systems: 16 bit virtual coordinates (signed, center relative)
#* 2 vectors: virtual coordinates
#(evt tussenstap + conversie naar 16 bit virtual)

#step 1:	generate virtual coords

#step 2:	virtual coords -> block adresses + fractional adresses
#* mulhigh: real coords (x,y) (center relative)
#* add center -> unsigned (top left relative)
#* mullow: fractional part (x_frac, y_frac)
#* mulhigh, mullow, pack 32bit: y_offset
#* pack 32bit: x_offset
#* add, shift, add start address: real addresses

#step3:		data fetch using generated addresses: 
#		this step would be much simpler in 4x16bit rgba. life's a bitch..

#step4:		billinear interpolation

#stat5:		store

		# this can be simplified by doing 32 bit unaligned moves
		# and vector unpacking on the data


		# cooked image data structure
		# pixel environment temp storage
		TL1 = 0x00
		TL2 = 0x02
		TL3 = 0x04
		TL4 = 0x06
		TR1 = 0x08
		TR2 = 0x0A
		TR3 = 0x0C
		TR4 = 0x0E
		BL1 = 0x10
		BL2 = 0x12
		BL3 = 0x14
		BL4 = 0x16
		BR1 = 0x18
		BR2 = 0x1A
		BR3 = 0x1C
		BR4 = 0x1E
		# addresses of pixel blocks
		ADDRESS1  = 0x20
		ADDRESS2  = 0x24
		ADDRESS3  = 0x28
		ADDRESS4  = 0x2C

		# second env + address buffer (testing:	 not used)
		# 32bit splatted bitmap address
		# 16bit splatted image constants
		V4TWOWIDTHM1 = 0x68
		V4TWOHEIGHTM1 = 0x70
		# data struct size

		# interpolation routine
		# input:	%mm0, %mm1 4 x 16bit unsigned top left relative virtual x and y coordinates
		#		%esi: temp & algo data structure

getpixelsbilin:	psrlw $1, %mm0			# convert to range 0->0x7fff [0,0.5[
		psrlw $1, %mm1
		movq %mm0, %mm2
		movq %mm1, %mm3
		movq V4TWOWIDTHM1(%esi), %mm4	# 2 * (width - 1)
		movq V4TWOHEIGHTM1(%esi), %mm5	# 2 * (height - 1)
		pmulhw %mm5, %mm3		# mm3 == y coord (topleft relative)
		pmulhw %mm4, %mm2		# mm2 == x coord (topleft relative)
		pmullw %mm5, %mm1		# mm1 == y frac (unsigned)
		pmullw %mm4, %mm0		# mm0 == x frac (unsigned)

		movq %mm3, %mm5			# copy y coord 
		pmullw V4LINEOFFSET(%esi), %mm3	# low part of line offset
		pmulhw V4LINEOFFSET(%esi), %mm5	# high part of line offset

		movq %mm2, %mm7			# copy x coord vector
		pxor %mm4, %mm4
		punpcklwd %mm4, %mm2		# low part in %mm2
		punpckhwd %mm4, %mm7		# hight part in %mm7
		movq %mm3, %mm6			# copy
		punpcklwd %mm5, %mm3		# unpack low part in %mm3
		punpckhwd %mm5, %mm6		# high part int %mm6

		paddd %mm2, %mm3
		paddd %mm7, %mm6
		pslld $1, %mm3			# convert to word adresses
		pslld $1, %mm6

		paddd V2PLANEADDRESS(%esi), %mm3	# add pixel plane address
		paddd V2PLANEADDRESS(%esi), %mm6

		movq %mm3, ADDRESS1(%esi)	# store adresses
		movq %mm6, ADDRESS3(%esi)

		pcmpeqw %mm2, %mm2		# all ones
		movq %mm0, %mm4			# copy x frac
		movq %mm1, %mm5			# copy y frac
		pxor %mm2, %mm4			# compute compliment (approx negative)
		pxor %mm2, %mm5

		psrlw $1, %mm0			# shift right (0.5 * (frac x)
		psrlw $1, %mm1			# shift right (0.5 * (frac y)
		psrlw $1, %mm4			# shift right (0.5 * (1 - frac x)
		psrlw $1, %mm5			# shift right (0.5 * (1 - frac y)

		movq %mm0, %mm2			# copy of frac x
		movq %mm4, %mm3			# copy of (1-frac x)
						# fetch data

		#jmp skipfetch			# seems the fetch is the real killer. try to optimize this
						# using 32 bit accesses & shifts

						# the src image data struct is padded to the cooked data struct
		movl RESAMPLEDATASIZE(%esi), %edi
		shll $1, %edi

		movl ADDRESS1(%esi), %ecx 
		movl ADDRESS2(%esi), %edx
		movw (%ecx), %ax
		movw (%edx), %bx
		movw %ax, TL1(%esi)
		movw %bx, TL2(%esi)
		movw 2(%ecx), %ax
		movw 2(%edx), %bx
		movw %ax, TR1(%esi)
		movw %bx, TR2(%esi)

		addl %edi, %ecx
		addl %edi, %edx

		movw (%ecx), %ax
		movw (%edx), %bx
		movw %ax, BL1(%esi)
		movw %bx, BL2(%esi)
		movw 2(%ecx), %ax
		movw 2(%edx), %bx
		movw %ax, BR1(%esi)
		movw %bx, BR2(%esi)

		movl ADDRESS3(%esi), %ecx 
		movl ADDRESS4(%esi), %edx

		movw (%ecx), %ax
		movw (%edx), %bx
		movw %ax, TL3(%esi)
		movw %bx, TL4(%esi)
		movw 2(%ecx), %ax
		movw 2(%edx), %bx
		movw %ax, TR3(%esi)
		movw %bx, TR4(%esi)
		addl %edi, %ecx
		addl %edi, %edx

		movw (%ecx), %ax
		movw (%edx), %bx
		movw %ax, BL3(%esi)
		movw %bx, BL4(%esi)
		movw 2(%ecx), %ax
		movw 2(%edx), %bx
		movw %ax, BR3(%esi)
		movw %bx, BR4(%esi)

		pmulhw TL1(%esi), %mm4		# bilin interpolation
		pmulhw TR1(%esi), %mm0
		pmulhw BL1(%esi), %mm3
		pmulhw BR1(%esi), %mm2

		paddw %mm4, %mm0
		paddw %mm3, %mm2

		pmulhw %mm5, %mm0
		pmulhw %mm1, %mm2

		paddw %mm2, %mm0
		psllw $2, %mm0			# compensate for gain reduction


		// linear mapping data struct
		COLSTATEX = 0x10
		COLSTATEY = 0x18
		ROWINCX = 0x20		
		ROWINCY = 0x28
		COLINCX = 0x30		
		COLINCY = 0x38

		// image data struct
		WIDTH = 0x8
		HEIGHT = 0xC

# pixel_resample_linmap_s16(void *x)		
.globl pixel_resample_linmap_s16
.type  pixel_resample_linmap_s16, at function

		pushl %ebp
		movl %esp, %ebp
		pushl %esi
		pushl %edi
		pushl %ebx

		movl 8(%ebp),  %esi			# get data struct
		movl DESTIMAGE+HEIGHT(%esi), %edx	# image height
		movl DESTIMAGE+IMAGEADDRESS(%esi), %edi # dest image address
		movl DESTIMAGE+WIDTH(%esi), %ecx	# image width
		shrl $2, %ecx				# vector count
		.align 16
		movq LINMAPDATA+ROWSTATEX(%esi), %mm0	# get current coordinates
		movq LINMAPDATA+ROWSTATEY(%esi), %mm1

		movq %mm0, %mm4				# copy
		movq %mm1, %mm5
		paddd LINMAPDATA+ROWINCX(%esi), %mm4	# increment
		paddd LINMAPDATA+ROWINCY(%esi), %mm5
		movq %mm4, %mm6				# copy
		movq %mm5, %mm7	
		paddd LINMAPDATA+ROWINCX(%esi), %mm6	# increment
		paddd LINMAPDATA+ROWINCY(%esi), %mm7
		movq %mm6, LINMAPDATA+ROWSTATEX(%esi)	# store next state
		movq %mm7, LINMAPDATA+ROWSTATEY(%esi) 

		psrad $16, %mm0				# round to 16 bit
		psrad $16, %mm1
		psrad $16, %mm4
		psrad $16, %mm5
		packssdw %mm4, %mm0			# pack new coordinates
		packssdw %mm5, %mm1
		push %ecx
		push %edx
		push %edi
		call getpixelsbilin			# do interpolation

		pop %edi
		pop %edx
		pop %ecx
		movq %mm0, (%edi)			# store 4 pixels
		addl $0x8, %edi				# point to next 4 pixels
		decl %ecx				# dec row counter
		jnz linmap_looprow

		movq LINMAPDATA+COLSTATEX(%esi), %mm0	# get column state vector
		movq LINMAPDATA+COLSTATEY(%esi), %mm1
		movl DESTIMAGE+WIDTH(%esi), %ecx	# image width
		shrl $2, %ecx				# vector count
		paddd LINMAPDATA+COLINCX(%esi), %mm0	# increment
		paddd LINMAPDATA+COLINCY(%esi), %mm1
		movq %mm0, LINMAPDATA+COLSTATEX(%esi)	# store
		movq %mm1, LINMAPDATA+COLSTATEY(%esi)
		decl %edx				# dec column counter
		jnz linmap_loopcol
		popl %ebx
		popl %edi
		popl %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_gain_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_gain_s16
.type  pixel_gain_s16, at function

# gain is integer, shift count is down	
# void pixel_gain_s16(int *buf, int nb_8pixel_vectors, short int gain[4], unsigned long long *shift)

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 20(%ebp), %edi
	movq (%edi), %mm6	# get shift vector

	movl 16(%ebp), %edi
	movq (%edi), %mm7	# get gain vector
	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# input array
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count

	.align 16

	movq (%esi), %mm0	# load 4 pixels from memory
	movq %mm0, %mm1		
	pmulhw %mm7, %mm1	# apply gain (s15.0) fixed point, high word
	pmullw %mm7, %mm0	# low word

	movq %mm0, %mm2		# copy
	movq %mm1, %mm3

	punpcklwd %mm1, %mm0	# unpack lsw components
	punpckhwd %mm3, %mm2	# unpack msw components

	psrad %mm6, %mm0	# apply signed shift
	psrad %mm6, %mm2

	packssdw %mm2, %mm0	# pack result & saturate
	movq %mm0, (%esi)	# store result

	addl $8, %esi		# increment source pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_gain		# loop

	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_cheby_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_cheby_s16_3plus
.type  pixel_cheby_s16_3plus, at function

# void pixel_cheby_s16(int *buf, int nb_8pixel_vectors, int order+1, short int *coefs)

# coefs are s2.13 fixed point (-4->4)
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi
	push %edx

	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# input array
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# vector count
	movl 16(%ebp), %eax	# get order+1

	shll $3, %eax
	movl 20(%ebp), %edx
	addl %eax, %edx		# edx = coef endx address
#	jmp skip
	.align 16

	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# get coefs
	movq (%esi), %mm0	# load 4 pixels from memory (mm0 = x)
	pcmpeqw %mm2, %mm2
	movq %mm0, %mm1		# mm1 (T_n-1) <- x
	psrlw $1, %mm2		# mm2 (T_n-2) <- 1

	movq (%edi), %mm4	# mm4 (acc) == a0
	psraw $1, %mm4		# mm4 == a0/2
	movq %mm0, %mm5		# mm5 (intermediate)
	pmulhw 8(%edi), %mm5	# mm5 == (x * a1)/2
	paddsw %mm5, %mm4	# acc = c0 + c1 x
	addl $16, %edi

	movq %mm1, %mm3		# mm3 == T_n-1
	psraw $2, %mm2		# mm2 == T_n-2 / 4
	pmulhw %mm0, %mm3	# mm3 == (2 x T_n-1) / 4
	psubsw %mm2, %mm3	# mm3 == (2 x T_n-1 - T_n-2) / 4
	paddsw %mm3, %mm3
	paddsw %mm3, %mm3	# mm3 == T_n
	movq %mm1, %mm2		# mm2 == new T_n-1
	movq %mm3, %mm1		# mm3 == new T_n-2
	pmulhw (%edi), %mm3	# mm3 = a_n * T_n / 2
	paddsw %mm3, %mm4	# accumulate
	addl $8, %edi
	cmpl %edx, %edi
	jne .loop_cheby_inner
	paddsw %mm4, %mm4	# compensate for 0.125 factor
	paddsw %mm4, %mm4
	paddsw %mm4, %mm4
	movq %mm4, (%esi)	# store result in memory
	addl $8, %esi		# increment source/dest pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_cheby		# loop


	pop %edx
	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_cascade_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

	# s1[k] = ar * s1[k-1] + ai * s2[k-1] + x[k]
	# s2[k] = ar * s2[k-1] - ai * s1[k-1]
	# y[k]  = c0 * x[k] + c1 * s1[k-1] + c2 * s2[k-1]

	# MACRO:	df2
	# computes a coupled cascade
	# input:	%mm0    == input
	#		%mm1    == state 1
	#		%mm2    == state 2
	#		(%esi)  == cascade coefs (ar ai c0 c1 c2) in s0.15
	# output:	%mm0    == output
	#		%mm1    == state 1
	#		%mm2    == state 2

	.macro coupled
	pmovq %mm1, %mm3		# mm3 == s1[k-1]
	pmovq %mm1, %mm4		# mm4 == s1[k-1]
	pmovq %mm2, %mm5		# mm5 == s2[k-1]
	pmovq %mm2, %mm6		# mm5 == s2[k-1]
	pmulhw (%esi), %mm1		# mm1 == s1[k-1] * ar
	pmulhw 8(%esi), %mm3		# mm3 == s1[k-1] * ai
	pmulhw 24(%esi), %mm4		# mm4 == s1[k-1] * c1
	pmulhw (%esi), %mm2		# mm2 == s2[k-1] * ar
	pmulhw 8(%esi), %mm5		# mm5 == s2[k-1] * ai
	pmulhw 32(%esi), %mm6		# mm6 == s2[k-1] * c2
	paddw %mm5, %mm1		# mm1 == s1[k-1] * ar + s2[k-1] * ai
	psubw %mm3, %mm2		# mm2 == s2[k-1] * ar - s1[k-1] * ai == s2[k]
	paddw %mm0, %mm1		# mm1 == s1[k]
	pmulhw 16(%esi), %mm0		# mm0 == x[k] * c0
	paddw %mm6, %mm4		# mm4 == s1[k-1] * c1 + s2[k-1] * c2
	paddw %mm4, %mm0		# mm0 == y[k]


	# in order to use the 4 line parallel cascade routine on horizontal
	# lines, we need to reorder (rotate or transpose) the matrix, since
	# images are scanline encoded, and we want to work in parallell
	# on 4 lines.
	# since the 4 lines are independent, it doesnt matter in which order
	# the the vector elements are present. 
	# this allows us to use the same routine for left->right and right->left
	# processing.
	# some comments on the non-abelean group of square isometries consisting of
	# (I) identity
	# (H) horizontal axis mirror 
	# (V) vertical axis mirror
	# (T) transpose (diagonal axis mirror)
	# (A) antitranspose (antidiagonal axis mirror)
	# (R1) 90deg anticlockwize rotation
	# (R2) 180deg rotation
	# (R3) 90deg clockwize rotation
	# we basicly have two options: (R1,R3) or (T,A)
	# we opt for T and A because they are self inverting, which improves locality
	# use antitranspose for right to left an transpose
	# for left to right (little endian)

	# antitranspose 4x4

	# input
	# %mm3 == {d0 d1 d2 d3}
	# %mm2 == {c0 c1 c2 c3}	
	# %mm1 == {b0 b1 b2 b3}	
	# %mm0 == {a0 a1 a2 a3}

	# output
	# %mm3 == {a3 b3 c3 d3}
	# %mm2 == {a2 b2 c2 d2}
	# %mm1 == {a1 b1 c1 d1}
	# %mm0 == {a0 b0 c0 d0}

	.macro antitranspose_4x4:	
	movq %mm3, %mm4
	punpcklwd %mm1, %mm4	# mm4 <- {b2 d2 b3 d3}
	movq %mm3, %mm5	
	punpckhwd %mm1, %mm5	# mm5 <- {b0 d0 b1 d1}
	movq %mm2, %mm6
	punpcklwd %mm0, %mm6	# mm6 <- {a2 c2 a3 c3}
	movq %mm2, %mm7	
	punpckhwd %mm0, %mm7	# mm7 <- {a0 c0 a1 c1}

	movq %mm4, %mm3
	punpcklwd %mm6, %mm3	# mm3 <- {a3 b3 c3 d3}
	movq %mm4, %mm2
	punpckhwd %mm6, %mm2	# mm2 <- {a2 b2 c2 d2}
	movq %mm5, %mm1
	punpcklwd %mm7, %mm1	# mm1 <- {a1 b1 c1 d1}
	movq %mm5, %mm0
	punpckhwd %mm7, %mm0	# mm0 <- {a0 b0 c0 d0}

	# transpose 4x4

	# input
	# %mm3 == {d3 d2 d1 d0}
	# %mm2 == {c3 c2 c1 c0}	
	# %mm1 == {b3 b2 b1 b0}	
	# %mm0 == {a3 a2 a1 a0}

	# output
	# %mm3 == {d3 c3 b3 a3}
	# %mm2 == {d2 c2 b2 a2}
	# %mm1 == {d1 c1 b1 a1}
	# %mm0 == {d0 c0 b0 a0}

	.macro transpose_4x4:	
	movq %mm0, %mm4
	punpcklwd %mm2, %mm4	# mm4 <- {c1 a1 c0 a0}
	movq %mm0, %mm5	
	punpckhwd %mm2, %mm5	# mm5 <- {c3 a3 c2 a2}
	movq %mm1, %mm6
	punpcklwd %mm3, %mm6	# mm6 <- {d1 b1 d0 b0}
	movq %mm1, %mm7	
	punpckhwd %mm3, %mm7	# mm7 <- {d3 b3 d2 b2}

	movq %mm4, %mm0
	punpcklwd %mm6, %mm0	# mm0 <- {d0 c0 b0 a0}
	movq %mm4, %mm1
	punpckhwd %mm6, %mm1	# mm1 <- {d1 c1 b1 a1}
	movq %mm5, %mm2
	punpcklwd %mm7, %mm2	# mm2 <- {d2 c2 b2 a2}
	movq %mm5, %mm3
	punpckhwd %mm7, %mm3	# mm3 <- {d3 c3 b3 a3}

.globl pixel_cascade_vertb_s16
.type  pixel_cascade_vertb_s16, at function

# pixel_cascade_vertbr_s16(char *pixel_array, int nb_rows, int linewidth, short int coef[20], short int state[8])


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4x4 pixblocks
	movl 16(%ebp), %edx	# line with

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# state

	shll $1, %edx		# short int addressing
	subl %edx, %ebx	

	movq 0(%edi), %mm1	# s1[k-1]
	movq 8(%edi), %mm2	# s2[k-1]
	.align 16
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm3
	movq %mm3, %mm0
	addl %edx, %ebx
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm3
	movq %mm3, %mm0
	addl %edx, %ebx
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm3
	movq %mm3, %mm0
	addl %edx, %ebx
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm3
	movq %mm3, %mm0
	addl %edx, %ebx
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)
	decl %ecx
	jnz .cascade_vertb_line_loop
	movq %mm1, 0(%edi)	# s1[k-1]
	movq %mm2, 8(%edi)	# s2[k-1]

	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx

.globl pixel_cascade_horlr_s16
.type  pixel_cascade_horlr_s16, at function

# pixel_cascade_hor_s16(char *pixel_array, int nb_rows, int linewidth, short int coef[20], short int state[8])


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4x4 pixblocks
	movl 16(%ebp), %edx	# line with

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# state

	shll $1, %edx		# short int addressing
	movl %edx, %eax
	shll $1, %eax
	addl %edx, %eax		# eax = 3 * edx

	.align 16
	movq (%edi), %mm1
	movq 8(%edi), %mm2
	movq (%ebx), %mm0	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm1	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm2	
	movq (%ebx,%eax,1), %mm3
	movq %mm1, (%ebx,%edx,1)	
	movq %mm2, (%ebx,%edx,2)	
	movq %mm3, (%ebx,%eax,1)


	movq %mm0, (%ebx)
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm3
	movq %mm3, %mm0


	movq %mm0, (%ebx, %edx,1)
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm3
	movq %mm3, %mm0


	movq %mm0, (%ebx, %edx,2)
	movq (%ebx,%eax,1), %mm3
	movq %mm3, %mm0

	movq %mm1, 0(%edi)	# s1[k-1]
	movq %mm2, 8(%edi)	# s2[k-1]

	movq %mm0, %mm3
	movq (%ebx), %mm0
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm1	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm2	

	movq %mm0, (%ebx)
	movq %mm1, (%ebx,%edx,1)
	movq %mm2, (%ebx,%edx,2)	
	movq %mm3, (%ebx,%eax,1)		

	addl $8, %ebx
	decl %ecx
	jnz .cascade_horlr_line_loop
	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx

--- NEW FILE: pixel_rand_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_rand_s16
.type  pixel_rand_s16, at function

# mmx rgba pixel gain
# void pixel_rand_s16(int *dst, nb_4pixel_vectors, short int random_seed[4])

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 16(%ebp), %esi	# int16[4] array of random seeds
	movl 8(%ebp),  %edi	# dst array
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count

	movq (%esi), %mm6

	pcmpeqw %mm3, %mm3
	psrlw $15, %mm3		# get bit mask 4 times 0x0001
	.align 16

#	prefetch 128(%esi)	

	movq %mm6, %mm4		# get random vector
	psrlw $15, %mm4		# get first component
	movq %mm6, %mm5
	psrlw $14, %mm5		# get second component
	pxor %mm5, %mm4
	movq %mm6, %mm5
	psrlw $12, %mm5		# get third component
	pxor %mm5, %mm4
	movq %mm6, %mm5
	psrlw $3, %mm5		# get forth component
	pxor %mm5, %mm4

	psllw $1, %mm6		# shift left original random vector
	pand %mm3, %mm4		# isolate new bit
	por %mm4, %mm6		# combine into new random vector

	movq %mm6, (%edi)
	addl $8, %edi
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_rand	# loop

	movq %mm6, (%esi)	# store random seeds

	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_conv_ver_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#TODO:	 fix out of bound acces in conv_ver and conv_hor
	# intermediate function
	# input in register:	
	# %mm0:	top 4 pixels
	# %mm1:	middle 4 pixels
	# %mm2:	bottom 4 pixels

	# %mm5:	top 4 pixel mask
	# %mm6:	middle 4 pixel mask
	# %mm7:	bottom 4 pixel mask
	# return in register:	 
	# %mm0:	middle 4 pixels result

	.align 16
	# compute quadruplet

	# get top pixel
	pmulhw %mm5, %mm0
	psllw $1, %mm0
	# get middle pixel
	movq %mm1, %mm4
	pmulhw %mm6, %mm4
	psllw $1, %mm4
	paddsw %mm4, %mm0

	# get bottom pixel
	movq %mm2, %mm3
	pmulhw %mm7, %mm3
	psllw $1, %mm3			# mm3 <- mm3/4
	paddsw %mm3, %mm0

.globl pixel_conv_ver_s16
.type  pixel_conv_ver_s16, at function

# pixel_conv_ver_s16(short int *pixel_array, int nb_4_pixel_vectors, int row_byte_size, short int border[4])
# horizontal unsigned pixel conv (1/4 1/2 1/4) not tested


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi		# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx		# nb of 4 pixel vectors in a row (at least 2)
	movl 16(%ebp), %edx		# rowsize in bytes

	movl 24(%ebp), %edi		# mask vector
	movq (%edi), %mm5
	movq 8(%edi), %mm6
	movq 16(%edi), %mm7
	movl 20(%ebp), %edi		# edge vector

	shll $1, %edx
	decl %ecx			# loop has a terminator stub
	decl %ecx			# loop has another terminator stub

	movq (%edi), %mm0		# init regs (left edge, so mm0 is zero)
	movq (%esi), %mm1
	movq (%esi,%edx,1), %mm2
	jmp .conv_line_loop

	.align 16
	call .conv_ver_4_pixels		# compute conv 
	movq %mm0, (%esi)		# store result
	movq %mm1, %mm0			# mm0 <- prev (%esi)
	movq %mm2, %mm1			# mm1 <- (%esi,%edx,1)
	movq (%esi,%edx,2), %mm2	# mm2 <- (%esi,%edx,2)
	addl %edx, %esi			# increase pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .conv_line_loop

	call .conv_ver_4_pixels		# compute conv 
	movq %mm0, (%esi)		# store result
	movq %mm1, %mm0			# mm0 <- prev (%esi)
	movq %mm2, %mm1			# mm1 <- (%esi,%edx,1)
	movq (%edi), %mm2		# clear invalid edge vector

	addl %edx, %esi			# increase pointer
	call .conv_ver_4_pixels		# compute last vector
	movq %mm0, (%esi)		# store it
	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_biquad_dirI_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

	# y[k]  = b0 * x[k] + u1[k-1]
	# u1[k] = b1 * x[k] + u2[k-1] - a1 * y[k]
	# u2[k] = b2 * x[k]           - a2 * y[k]
	# input in register:	
	# %mm0-mm3:	input 4x4 pixels {x0 x1 x2 x3}
	# %esi:		coef memory  (a1, a2, b0, b1, b2)
	# %edi:		state memory (u1, u2)

	# return in register:	 
	# %mm0-mm4:	4x4 pixels result

	.align 16
	# prescale
	movq -8(%esi), %mm4
	pmulhw %mm4, %mm0
	pmulhw %mm4, %mm1
	pmulhw %mm4, %mm2
	pmulhw %mm4, %mm3
	psllw $1, %mm0
	psllw $1, %mm1
	psllw $1, %mm2
	psllw $1, %mm3

	# first vector
	movq 0(%edi), %mm4		# mm4 <- u[-1]
	movq 8(%edi), %mm5		# mm5 <- u[-2]
	movq %mm4, %mm6
	movq %mm5, %mm7

	pmulhw 0(%esi), %mm6		# multiply by a1
	pmulhw 8(%esi), %mm7		# multiply by a2

	paddsw %mm6, %mm0		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm7, %mm0		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm0, %mm0		# scale by 2 (since all fixed point muls are x*y/2)

	movq %mm0, %mm6			# mm6 <- u[0]
	movq %mm4, %mm7			# mm7 <- u[-1]
	pmulhw 16(%esi), %mm0		# multiply by b0
	pmulhw 24(%esi), %mm4		# multiply by b1
	pmulhw 32(%esi), %mm5		# multiply by b2

	paddsw %mm4, %mm0		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm5, %mm0		# accumulate

					# mm0 is result 0

	# second vector
	movq %mm6, %mm4			# mm4 <- u[0]
	movq %mm7, %mm5			# mm5 <- u[-1]

	pmulhw 0(%esi), %mm6		# multiply by a1
	pmulhw 8(%esi), %mm7		# multiply by a2

	paddsw %mm6, %mm1		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm7, %mm1		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm1, %mm1		# scale by 2

	movq %mm1, %mm6			# mm6 <- u[1]
	movq %mm4, %mm7			# mm7 <- u[0]
	pmulhw 16(%esi), %mm1		# multiply by b0
	pmulhw 24(%esi), %mm4		# multiply by b1
	pmulhw 32(%esi), %mm5		# multiply by b2

	paddsw %mm4, %mm1		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm5, %mm1		# accumulate

					# mm1 is result 1

	# third vector
	movq %mm6, %mm4			# mm4 <- u[1]
	movq %mm7, %mm5			# mm5 <- u[0]

	pmulhw 0(%esi), %mm6		# multiply by a1
	pmulhw 8(%esi), %mm7		# multiply by a2

	paddsw %mm6, %mm2		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm7, %mm2		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm2, %mm2		# scale by 2

	movq %mm2, %mm6			# mm6 <- u[2]
	movq %mm4, %mm7			# mm7 <- u[1]
	pmulhw 16(%esi), %mm2		# multiply by b0
	pmulhw 24(%esi), %mm4		# multiply by b1
	pmulhw 32(%esi), %mm5		# multiply by b2

	paddsw %mm4, %mm2		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm5, %mm2		# accumulate

					# mm2 is result 2

	# fourth vector
	movq %mm6, %mm4			# mm4 <- u[2]
	movq %mm7, %mm5			# mm5 <- u[1]

	pmulhw 0(%esi), %mm6		# multiply by a1
	pmulhw 8(%esi), %mm7		# multiply by a2

	paddsw %mm6, %mm3		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm7, %mm3		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm3, %mm3		# scale by 2

	movq %mm3, 0(%edi)		# store  u[3]
	movq %mm4, 8(%edi)		# store  u[2]
	pmulhw 16(%esi), %mm3		# multiply by b0
	pmulhw 24(%esi), %mm4		# multiply by b1
	pmulhw 32(%esi), %mm5		# multiply by b2

	paddsw %mm4, %mm3		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm5, %mm3		# accumulate

					# mm3 is result 3


	# in order to use the 4 line parallel biquad routine on horizontal
	# lines, we need to reorder (rotate or transpose) the matrix, since
	# images are scanline encoded, and we want to work in parallell
	# on 4 lines.
	# since the 4 lines are independent, it doesnt matter in which order
	# the the vector elements are present. 
	# this allows us to use the same routine for left->right and right->left
	# processing.
	# some comments on the non-abelean group of square isometries consisting of
	# (I) identity
	# (H) horizontal axis mirror 
	# (V) vertical axis mirror
	# (T) transpose (diagonal axis mirror)
	# (A) antitranspose (antidiagonal axis mirror)
	# (R1) 90deg anticlockwize rotation
	# (R2) 180deg rotation
	# (R3) 90deg clockwize rotation
	# we basicly have two options: (R1,R3) or (T,A)
	# we opt for T and A because they are self inverting, which improves locality
	# use antitranspose for right to left an transpose
	# for left to right (little endian)

	# antitranspose 4x4

	# input
	# %mm3 == {d0 d1 d2 d3}
	# %mm2 == {c0 c1 c2 c3}	
	# %mm1 == {b0 b1 b2 b3}	
	# %mm0 == {a0 a1 a2 a3}

	# output
	# %mm3 == {a3 b3 c3 d3}
	# %mm2 == {a2 b2 c2 d2}
	# %mm1 == {a1 b1 c1 d1}
	# %mm0 == {a0 b0 c0 d0}

	.align 16
	movq %mm3, %mm4
	punpcklwd %mm1, %mm4	# mm4 <- {b2 d2 b3 d3}
	movq %mm3, %mm5	
	punpckhwd %mm1, %mm5	# mm5 <- {b0 d0 b1 d1}
	movq %mm2, %mm6
	punpcklwd %mm0, %mm6	# mm6 <- {a2 c2 a3 c3}
	movq %mm2, %mm7	
	punpckhwd %mm0, %mm7	# mm7 <- {a0 c0 a1 c1}

	movq %mm4, %mm3
	punpcklwd %mm6, %mm3	# mm3 <- {a3 b3 c3 d3}
	movq %mm4, %mm2
	punpckhwd %mm6, %mm2	# mm2 <- {a2 b2 c2 d2}
	movq %mm5, %mm1
	punpcklwd %mm7, %mm1	# mm1 <- {a1 b1 c1 d1}
	movq %mm5, %mm0
	punpckhwd %mm7, %mm0	# mm0 <- {a0 b0 c0 d0}



	# transpose 4x4

	# input
	# %mm3 == {d3 d2 d1 d0}
	# %mm2 == {c3 c2 c1 c0}	
	# %mm1 == {b3 b2 b1 b0}	
	# %mm0 == {a3 a2 a1 a0}

	# output
	# %mm3 == {d3 c3 b3 a3}
	# %mm2 == {d2 c2 b2 a2}
	# %mm1 == {d1 c1 b1 a1}
	# %mm0 == {d0 c0 b0 a0}

	.align 16
	movq %mm0, %mm4
	punpcklwd %mm2, %mm4	# mm4 <- {c1 a1 c0 a0}
	movq %mm0, %mm5	
	punpckhwd %mm2, %mm5	# mm5 <- {c3 a3 c2 a2}
	movq %mm1, %mm6
	punpcklwd %mm3, %mm6	# mm6 <- {d1 b1 d0 b0}
	movq %mm1, %mm7	
	punpckhwd %mm3, %mm7	# mm7 <- {d3 b3 d2 b2}

	movq %mm4, %mm0
	punpcklwd %mm6, %mm0	# mm0 <- {d0 c0 b0 a0}
	movq %mm4, %mm1
	punpckhwd %mm6, %mm1	# mm1 <- {d1 c1 b1 a1}
	movq %mm5, %mm2
	punpcklwd %mm7, %mm2	# mm2 <- {d2 c2 b2 a2}
	movq %mm5, %mm3
	punpckhwd %mm7, %mm3	# mm3 <- {d3 c3 b3 a3}


.globl pixel_biquad_vertb_s16
.type  pixel_biquad_vertb_s16, at function

# pixel_biquad_vertbr_s16(char *pixel_array, int nb_rows, int linewidth, short int coef[20], short int state[8])


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4x4 pixblocks
	movl 16(%ebp), %edx	# line with

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# state

	shll $1, %edx		# short int addressing	
	movl %edx, %eax
	shll $1, %eax
	addl %edx, %eax		# eax = 3 * edx
	.align 16
	movq (%ebx), %mm0	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm1	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm2	
	movq (%ebx,%eax,1), %mm3
	call .biquad_4x4_pixels
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)	
	movq %mm1, (%ebx,%edx,1)	
	movq %mm2, (%ebx,%edx,2)	
	movq %mm3, (%ebx,%eax,1)
	addl %edx, %ebx
	addl %eax, %ebx
	decl %ecx
	jnz .biquad_vertb_line_loop
	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx

.globl pixel_biquad_horlr_s16
.type  pixel_biquad_horlr_s16, at function

# pixel_biquad_hor_s16(char *pixel_array, int nb_rows, int linewidth, short int coef[20], short int state[8])


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4x4 pixblocks
	movl 16(%ebp), %edx	# line with

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# state

	shll $1, %edx		# short int addressing
	movl %edx, %eax
	shll $1, %eax
	addl %edx, %eax		# eax = 3 * edx
	.align 16
	movq (%ebx), %mm0	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm1	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm2	
	movq (%ebx,%eax,1), %mm3
	call .transpose_4x4	
	call .biquad_4x4_pixels
	call .transpose_4x4	
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)	
	movq %mm1, (%ebx,%edx,1)	
	movq %mm2, (%ebx,%edx,2)	
	movq %mm3, (%ebx,%eax,1)
	addl $8, %ebx
	decl %ecx
	jnz .biquad_horlr_line_loop
	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx

--- NEW FILE: Makefile ---
include ../../Makefile.config

OBJ = \
pixel_pack_s16u8.o \
pixel_unpack_u8s16.o \
pixel_add_s16.o \
pixel_mul_s16.o \
pixel_mix_s16.o \
pixel_randmix_s16.o \
pixel_conv_hor_s16.o \
pixel_conv_ver_s16.o \
pixel_biquad_s16.o \
pixel_ca_s1.o \
pixel_rand_s16.o \
pixel_crot_s16.o \
pixel_gain_s16.o \
pixel_resample_s16.o \

all:	$(OBJ)

test:	pdp_mmx_test.o $(OBJ)
	gcc -o pdp_mmx_test pdp_mmx_test.o $(OBJ) -g

	rm -f *.o
	rm -f *~
	rm -f pdp_mmx.a
	rm -f pdp_mmx_test

--- NEW FILE: pixel_add_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_add_s16
.type  pixel_add_s16, at function

# simple add
# void pixel_add_s16(int *left, int *right, int nb_4pixel_vectors)

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %edi	# left array
	movl 12(%ebp), %esi	# right array
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count

	.align 16

#	prefetch 128(%esi)	
	movq (%esi), %mm1	# load right 4 pixels from memory
	movq (%edi), %mm0	# load 4 left pixels from memory
	paddsw %mm1, %mm0	# mix
	movq %mm0, (%edi)
	addl $8, %esi
	addl $8, %edi
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_mix		# loop


	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_randmix_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_randmix_s16
.type  pixel_randmix_s16, at function

# mmx rgba pixel gain
# void pixel_randmix_s16(int *left, int *right, int nb_4pixel_vectors, short int random_seed[4], short int threshold[4])

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of random seeds
	movq (%edi), %mm6

	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of thresholds
	movq (%edi), %mm7
	movl 8(%ebp),  %edi	# left array
	movl 12(%ebp), %esi	# right array
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count

	pcmpeqw %mm3, %mm3
	psrlw $15, %mm3		# get bit mask 4 times 0x0001
	.align 16

#	prefetch 128(%esi)	
	movq (%esi), %mm1	# load right 4 pixels from memory
	movq (%edi), %mm0	# load 4 left pixels from memory

	movq %mm6, %mm2		# get random vector
	pcmpgtw %mm7, %mm2	# compare random vector with threshold
	movq %mm2, %mm5
	pand %mm0, %mm2		# get left array's components
	pandn %mm1, %mm5	# get right array's components
	por %mm2, %mm5
	movq %mm5, (%edi)	# store pixels

	movq %mm6, %mm4		# get random vector
	psrlw $15, %mm4		# get first component
	movq %mm6, %mm5
	psrlw $14, %mm5		# get second component
	pxor %mm5, %mm4
	movq %mm6, %mm5
	psrlw $12, %mm5		# get third component
	pxor %mm5, %mm4
	movq %mm6, %mm5
	psrlw $3, %mm5		# get forth component
	pxor %mm5, %mm4

	psllw $1, %mm6		# shift left original random vector
	pand %mm3, %mm4		# isolate new bit
	por %mm4, %mm6		# combine into new random vector
	addl $8, %esi
	addl $8, %edi
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_randmix	# loop

	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of random seeds
	movq %mm6, (%edi)	# store random seeds

	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_unpack_u8s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_unpack_u8s16_y
.type  pixel_unpack_u8s16_y, at function

# mmx rgba pixel gain
# void pixel_unpack_u8s16_y(char *input, char *output, int32 nb_pixels_div8)

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

#	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of gains
#	movq (%edi), %mm7	# get gain array
	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# input uint8 pixel array
	movl 12(%ebp), %edi	# output sint16 pixel array
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of elements div 8

	.align 16

	movq (%esi), %mm5	# load 8 pixels from memory
	pxor %mm0, %mm0		# zero mm0 - mm3
	pxor %mm1, %mm1
	punpcklbw %mm5, %mm0	# unpack 1st 4 pixels
	punpckhbw %mm5, %mm1	# unpack 2nd 4 pixles
	psrlw $0x1, %mm0	# shift right to clear sign bit 9.7
	psrlw $0x1, %mm1
#	pmulhw %mm7, %mm0	# apply gain
#	pmulhw %mm7, %mm1
#	paddsw %mm0, %mm0	# correct factor 2
#	paddsw %mm1, %mm1
	movq %mm0, (%edi)	# store
	movq %mm1, 8(%edi)
	addl $8, %esi		# increment source pointer
	addl $16, %edi		# increment dest pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_unpack_y	# loop

	pop %edi
	pop %esi
.globl pixel_unpack_u8s16_uv
.type  pixel_unpack_u8s16_uv, at function
	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

#	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of gains
#	movq (%edi), %mm7	# get gain array

	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# input uint8 pixel array
	movl 12(%ebp), %edi	# output sint16 pixel array
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of elements div 8

	pcmpeqw %mm6, %mm6
	psllw $15, %mm6
	.align 16

	movq (%esi), %mm5	# load 8 pixels from memory
	pxor %mm0, %mm0		# zero mm0 - mm3
	pxor %mm1, %mm1
	punpcklbw %mm5, %mm0	# unpack 1st 4 pixels
	punpckhbw %mm5, %mm1	# unpack 2nd 4 pixles
	pxor %mm6, %mm0		# flip sign bit (Cr and Cb are ofset by 128)
	pxor %mm6, %mm1
#	pmulhw %mm7, %mm0	# apply gain
#	pmulhw %mm7, %mm1
#	paddsw %mm0, %mm0	# correct factor 2
#	paddsw %mm1, %mm1
	movq %mm0, (%edi)	# store
	movq %mm1, 8(%edi)
	addl $8, %esi		# increment source pointer
	addl $16, %edi		# increment dest pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_unpack_uv	# loop

	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_pack_s16u8.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_pack_s16u8_y
.type  pixel_pack_s16u8_y, at function

# mmx rgba pixel gain
# void pixel_pack_s16u8_y(int *input, int *output, int nb_8pixel_vectors)

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

#	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of gains
#	movq (%edi), %mm7	# get gain array
#	psllw $1, %mm7		# adjust for shifted sign bit
	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# input array
	movl 12(%ebp), %edi	# output array
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count

	pxor %mm6, %mm6
	.align 16

#	prefetch 128(%esi)	
	movq (%esi), %mm0	# load 4 pixels from memory
#	pmulhw %mm7, %mm0	# apply gain
	movq 8(%esi), %mm1	# load 4 pixels from memory
#	pmulhw %mm7, %mm1	# apply gain

#	movq %mm0, %mm2
#	pcmpgtw %mm6, %mm2	# mm2 > 0 ?  0xffff :	0
#	pand %mm2, %mm0 

#	movq %mm1, %mm3
#	pcmpgtw %mm6, %mm3	# mm3 > 0 ?  0xffff :	0
#	pand %mm3, %mm1 

#	psllw $1, %mm0		# shift out sign bit
#	psllw $1, %mm1		# shift out sign bit

	psraw $7, %mm0		# shift to lsb
	psraw $7, %mm1		# shift to lsb
	packuswb %mm1, %mm0	# pack & saturate to 8bit vector
	movq %mm0, (%edi)	# store result in memory

	addl $16, %esi		# increment source pointer
	addl $8, %edi		# increment dest pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_pack_y	# loop

	pop %edi
	pop %esi
.globl pixel_pack_s16u8_uv
.type  pixel_pack_s16u8_uv, at function

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

#	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of gains
#	movq (%edi), %mm7	# get gain array
	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %edi	# nb of elements
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count

	pcmpeqw %mm6, %mm6
	psllw $15, %mm6
	movq %mm6, %mm5
	psrlw $8, %mm5
	por %mm5, %mm6		# mm6 <- 8 times 0x80
	.align 16

#	prefetch 128(%esi)	
	movq (%esi), %mm0	# load 4 pixels from memory
#	pmulhw %mm7, %mm0	# apply gain
	movq 8(%esi), %mm1	# load 4 pixels from memory
#	pmulhw %mm7, %mm1	# apply gain

	psraw $8, %mm0		# shift to msb
	psraw $8, %mm1
	packsswb %mm1, %mm0	# pack & saturate to 8bit vector
	pxor %mm6, %mm0		# flip sign bits
	movq %mm0, (%edi)	# store result in memory

	addl $16, %esi		# increment source pointer
	addl $8, %edi		# increment dest pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_pack_uv	# loop

	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_mix_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_mix_s16
.type  pixel_mix_s16, at function

# mmx rgba pixel gain
# void pixel_mix_s16(int *left, int *right, int nb_4pixel_vectors, 
#	short int gain_left[4], short int gain_right[4])

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of gains
	movq (%edi), %mm6	# get left gain array

	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of gains
	movq (%edi), %mm7	# get right gain array
	movl 8(%ebp),  %edi	# left array
	movl 12(%ebp), %esi	# right array
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count

	.align 16

#	prefetch 128(%esi)	
	movq (%esi), %mm1	# load right 4 pixels from memory
	pmulhw %mm7, %mm1	# apply right gain
	movq (%edi), %mm0	# load 4 left pixels from memory
	pmulhw %mm6, %mm0	# apply left gain
#	pslaw $1, %mm1		# shift left ((s).15 x (s).15 -> (s0).14))
#	pslaw $1, %mm0
	paddsw %mm0, %mm0	# no shift left arithmic, so use add instead
	paddsw %mm1, %mm1
	paddsw %mm1, %mm0	# mix
	movq %mm0, (%edi)
	addl $8, %esi
	addl $8, %edi
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_mix		# loop


	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_ca_s1.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

	# this file contains assembler routines for 2D 1 bit cellular automata
	# processing. it is organized around a feeder kernel and a
	# stack based bit processor (virtual forth machine)
	# the feeder kernel is responsable for loading/storing CA cells
	# from/to memory. data in memory is organized as a scanline
	# encoded toroidial bitplane (lsb = left). to simplify the kernel, the top
	# left corner of the rectangular grid of pixels will shift down
	# every processing step.
	# the stack machine has the following architecture:
	# CA stack:	%esi, TOS: %mm0 (32x2 pixels. lsw = top row)
	# CA horizon:	%mm4-%mm7 (64x4 pixels. %mm4 = top row)
	# the stack size / organization is not known to the stack machine. 
	# it can be thought of as operating on a 3x3 cell neightbourhood.
	# the only purpose of forth program is to determine the CA local update rule.
	# the machine is supposed to be very minimal. no looping control.
	# no adressing modes. no conditional code (hey, this is an experiment!)
	# so recursion is not allowed (no way to stop it)
	# there are 9 words to load the cell neigbourhood on the stack.
	# the rest is just logic and stack manips.

	# this file contains pure asm macros. it is to be included before assembly
	# after scaforth.pl has processed the .scaf file

	# *************************** CA CELL ACCESS MACROS *****************************
	# fetchTL - fetchBR

	# shift / load rectangle macros:

	# shift rectangle horizontal	
	# result is in reg1
	.macro shift reg1 reg2 count
	psllq $(32+\count), \reg1
	psrlq $(32-\count), \reg2
	psrlq $32, \reg1
	psllq $32, \reg2
	por \reg2, \reg1

	.macro ldtop reg1 reg2
	movq %mm4, \reg1
	movq %mm5, \reg2

	.macro ldcenter reg1 reg2
	movq %mm5, \reg1
	movq %mm6, \reg2

	.macro ldbottom reg1 reg2
	movq %mm6, \reg1
	movq %mm7, \reg2

	# fetch from top row

	# fetch the top left square
	.macro fetchTL
	ldtop %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, -1

	# fetch the top mid square
	.macro fetchTM
	ldtop %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, 0

	# fetch the top right square
	.macro fetchTR
	ldtop %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, 1

	# fetch from center row

	# fetch the mid left square
	.macro fetchML
	ldcenter %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, -1

	# fetch the mid mid square
	.macro fetchMM
	ldcenter %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, 0

	# fetch the mid right square
	.macro fetchMR
	ldcenter %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, 1


	# fetch from bottom row

	# fetch the bottom left square
	.macro fetchBL
	ldbottom %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, -1

	# fetch the bottom mid square
	.macro fetchBM
	ldbottom %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, 0

	# fetch the bottom right square
	.macro fetchBR
	ldbottom %mm0, %mm1
	shift %mm0, %mm1, 1

	# *************************** CA STACK MANIP MACROS *****************************
	# dup drop dropdup swap nip dropover

	.macro dup
	lea -8(%esi), %esi
	movq %mm0, (%esi)	

	.macro drop
	movq (%esi), %mm0
	lea 8(%esi), %esi

	.macro dropdup
	movq (%esi), %mm0

	.macro swap
	movq (%esi), %mm1
	movq %mm0, (%esi)
	movq %mm1, %mm0

	.macro nip
	lea 8(%esi), %esi

	.macro dropover
	movq 8(%esi), %mm0

	# *************************** CA BOOLEAN LOGIC MACROS *****************************
	# overxor 
	.macro overxor
	pxor (%esi), %mm0

--- NEW FILE: pixel_biquad_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

	# y[k]  = b0 * x[k] + u1[k-1]
	# u1[k] = b1 * x[k] + u2[k-1] - a1 * y[k]
	# u2[k] = b2 * x[k]           - a2 * y[k]
	# MACRO:	df2 <reg>
	# computes a direct form 2 biquad
	# does not use {mm0-mm3}\<inreg>
	# input:	<reg>   == input
	#		%mm4    == state 1
	#		%mm5    == state 2
	#		(%esi)  == biquad coefs (-a1 -a2 b0 b1 b2) in s1.14
	# output:	<reg>   == output
	#		%mm4    == state 1
	#		%mm5    == state 2

	.macro df2 reg 
	movq \reg, %mm6			# mm6 == x[k]
	movq \reg, %mm7			# mm7 == x[k]
	pmulhw 16(%esi), %mm6		# mm6 == x[k] * b0
	pmulhw 24(%esi), %mm7		# mm7 == x[k] * b1
	paddw %mm4, %mm6		# mm6 == x[k] * b0 + u1[k-1] == y[k]
	paddw %mm5, %mm7		# mm7 == x[k] * b1 + u2[k-1]
	paddsw %mm6, %mm6		# compensate for mul = x*y/4 (coefs are s1.14 fixed point)
	paddsw %mm6, %mm6		# paddsw ensures saturation
	movq \reg, %mm5			# mm5 == x[k]
	movq %mm6, %mm4			# mm4 == y[k]
	movq %mm6, \reg			# reg == y[k]	--------------------
	pmulhw 0(%esi), %mm4		# mm4 == y[k] * (-a1)
	pmulhw 8(%esi), %mm6		# mm6 == y[k] * (-a2)
	pmulhw 32(%esi), %mm5		# mm5 == x[k] * b2
	paddw %mm7, %mm4		# mm4 == u1[k]	--------------------
	paddw %mm6, %mm5		# mm5 == u2[k]	--------------------

	# input in register:	
	# %mm0-mm3:	input 4x4 pixels {x0 x1 x2 x3}
	# %esi:		coef memory  (-a1, -a2, b0, b1, b2) in s1.14
	# %edi:		state memory (u1, u2)
	# return in register:	 
	# %mm0-mm4:	4x4 pixels result

	.macro biquad_4x4_pixels	
	.align 16
	movq 0(%edi), %mm4		# get state
	movq 8(%edi), %mm5
	df2 %mm0			# compute 4 biquads
	df2 %mm1
	df2 %mm2
	df2 %mm3
	movq %mm4, 0(%edi)		# store state
	movq %mm5, 8(%edi)


	# in order to use the 4 line parallel biquad routine on horizontal
	# lines, we need to reorder (rotate or transpose) the matrix, since
	# images are scanline encoded, and we want to work in parallell
	# on 4 lines.
	# since the 4 lines are independent, it doesnt matter in which order
	# the the vector elements are present. 
	# this allows us to use the same routine for left->right and right->left
	# processing.
	# some comments on the non-abelean group of square isometries consisting of
	# (I) identity
	# (H) horizontal axis mirror 
	# (V) vertical axis mirror
	# (T) transpose (diagonal axis mirror)
	# (A) antitranspose (antidiagonal axis mirror)
	# (R1) 90deg anticlockwize rotation
	# (R2) 180deg rotation
	# (R3) 90deg clockwize rotation
	# we basicly have two options: (R1,R3) or (T,A)
	# we opt for T and A because they are self inverting, which improves locality
	# use antitranspose for right to left an transpose
	# for left to right (little endian)

	# antitranspose 4x4

	# input
	# %mm3 == {d0 d1 d2 d3}
	# %mm2 == {c0 c1 c2 c3}	
	# %mm1 == {b0 b1 b2 b3}	
	# %mm0 == {a0 a1 a2 a3}

	# output
	# %mm3 == {a3 b3 c3 d3}
	# %mm2 == {a2 b2 c2 d2}
	# %mm1 == {a1 b1 c1 d1}
	# %mm0 == {a0 b0 c0 d0}

	.macro antitranspose_4x4:	
	movq %mm3, %mm4
	punpcklwd %mm1, %mm4	# mm4 <- {b2 d2 b3 d3}
	movq %mm3, %mm5	
	punpckhwd %mm1, %mm5	# mm5 <- {b0 d0 b1 d1}
	movq %mm2, %mm6
	punpcklwd %mm0, %mm6	# mm6 <- {a2 c2 a3 c3}
	movq %mm2, %mm7	
	punpckhwd %mm0, %mm7	# mm7 <- {a0 c0 a1 c1}

	movq %mm4, %mm3
	punpcklwd %mm6, %mm3	# mm3 <- {a3 b3 c3 d3}
	movq %mm4, %mm2
	punpckhwd %mm6, %mm2	# mm2 <- {a2 b2 c2 d2}
	movq %mm5, %mm1
	punpcklwd %mm7, %mm1	# mm1 <- {a1 b1 c1 d1}
	movq %mm5, %mm0
	punpckhwd %mm7, %mm0	# mm0 <- {a0 b0 c0 d0}

	# transpose 4x4

	# input
	# %mm3 == {d3 d2 d1 d0}
	# %mm2 == {c3 c2 c1 c0}	
	# %mm1 == {b3 b2 b1 b0}	
	# %mm0 == {a3 a2 a1 a0}

	# output
	# %mm3 == {d3 c3 b3 a3}
	# %mm2 == {d2 c2 b2 a2}
	# %mm1 == {d1 c1 b1 a1}
	# %mm0 == {d0 c0 b0 a0}

	.macro transpose_4x4:	
	movq %mm0, %mm4
	punpcklwd %mm2, %mm4	# mm4 <- {c1 a1 c0 a0}
	movq %mm0, %mm5	
	punpckhwd %mm2, %mm5	# mm5 <- {c3 a3 c2 a2}
	movq %mm1, %mm6
	punpcklwd %mm3, %mm6	# mm6 <- {d1 b1 d0 b0}
	movq %mm1, %mm7	
	punpckhwd %mm3, %mm7	# mm7 <- {d3 b3 d2 b2}

	movq %mm4, %mm0
	punpcklwd %mm6, %mm0	# mm0 <- {d0 c0 b0 a0}
	movq %mm4, %mm1
	punpckhwd %mm6, %mm1	# mm1 <- {d1 c1 b1 a1}
	movq %mm5, %mm2
	punpcklwd %mm7, %mm2	# mm2 <- {d2 c2 b2 a2}
	movq %mm5, %mm3
	punpckhwd %mm7, %mm3	# mm3 <- {d3 c3 b3 a3}

.globl pixel_biquad_vertb_s16
.type  pixel_biquad_vertb_s16, at function

# pixel_biquad_vertbr_s16(char *pixel_array, int nb_rows, int linewidth, short int coef[20], short int state[8])


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4x4 pixblocks
	movl 16(%ebp), %edx	# line with

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# state

	shll $1, %edx		# short int addressing	
	movl %edx, %eax
	shll $1, %eax
	addl %edx, %eax		# eax = 3 * edx
	.align 16
	movq (%ebx), %mm0	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm1	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm2	
	movq (%ebx,%eax,1), %mm3
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)	
	movq %mm1, (%ebx,%edx,1)	
	movq %mm2, (%ebx,%edx,2)	
	movq %mm3, (%ebx,%eax,1)
	addl %edx, %ebx
	addl %eax, %ebx
	decl %ecx
	jnz .biquad_vertb_line_loop
	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx
.globl pixel_biquad_verbt_s16
.type  pixel_biquad_verbt_s16, at function

# pixel_biquad_vertbt_s16(char *pixel_array, int nb_rows, int linewidth, short int coef[20], short int state[8])


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4x4 pixblocks
	movl 16(%ebp), %eax	# line with

	shll $3, %eax		# 4 line byte spacing
	decl %ecx
	mul %ecx
	incl %ecx
	addl %eax, %ebx		# ebx points to last pixblock

	movl 16(%ebp), %edx	# line with

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# state

	shll $1, %edx		# short int addressing	
	movl %edx, %eax
	shll $1, %eax
	addl %edx, %eax		# eax = 3 * edx
	.align 16
	movq (%ebx), %mm3	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm2	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm1	
	movq (%ebx,%eax,1), %mm0
	movq %mm3, (%ebx)	
	movq %mm2, (%ebx,%edx,1)	
	movq %mm1, (%ebx,%edx,2)	
	movq %mm0, (%ebx,%eax,1)
	subl %edx, %ebx
	subl %eax, %ebx
	decl %ecx
	jnz .biquad_verbt_line_loop
	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx

.globl pixel_biquad_horlr_s16
.type  pixel_biquad_horlr_s16, at function
# pixel_biquad_hor_s16(char *pixel_array, int nb_rows, int linewidth, short int coef[20], short int state[8])


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4x4 pixblocks
	movl 16(%ebp), %edx	# line with

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# state

	shll $1, %edx		# short int addressing
	movl %edx, %eax
	shll $1, %eax
	addl %edx, %eax		# eax = 3 * edx
	.align 16
	movq (%ebx), %mm0	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm1	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm2	
	movq (%ebx,%eax,1), %mm3
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)	
	movq %mm1, (%ebx,%edx,1)	
	movq %mm2, (%ebx,%edx,2)	
	movq %mm3, (%ebx,%eax,1)
	addl $8, %ebx
	decl %ecx
	jnz .biquad_horlr_line_loop
	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx

.globl pixel_biquad_horrl_s16
.type  pixel_biquad_horrl_s16, at function
# pixel_biquad_horrl_s16(char *pixel_array, int nb_rows, int linewidth, short int coef[20], short int state[8])


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4x4 pixblocks
	movl 16(%ebp), %edx	# line with

	movl %ecx, %eax
	decl %eax
	shll $3, %eax
	addl %eax, %ebx		# ebx points to last pixblock

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %edi	# state

	shll $1, %edx		# short int addressing
	movl %edx, %eax
	shll $1, %eax
	addl %edx, %eax		# eax = 3 * edx
	.align 16
	movq (%ebx), %mm0	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,1), %mm1	
	movq (%ebx,%edx,2), %mm2	
	movq (%ebx,%eax,1), %mm3
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)	
	movq %mm1, (%ebx,%edx,1)	
	movq %mm2, (%ebx,%edx,2)	
	movq %mm3, (%ebx,%eax,1)
	subl $8, %ebx
	decl %ecx
	jnz .biquad_horrl_line_loop
	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx

.globl pixel_biquad_time_s16
.type  pixel_biquad_time_s16, at function
# pixel_biquad_time_s16(short int *pixel_array, short int *s1, short int *s2, short int *coefs, int nb_4_pix_vectors)


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %ebx
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %ebx	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %edx	# state 1 array
	movl 16(%ebp), %edi	# state 2 array

	movl 20(%ebp), %esi	# coefs
	movl 24(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 4 pixel vectors

	.align 16
	movq (%ebx), %mm0	# get input
	movq (%edx), %mm4	# get state 1
	movq (%edi), %mm5	# get state 2
	df2 %mm0		# compute direct form 2
	movq %mm0, (%ebx)	# write output
	movq %mm5, (%edi)	# write state 2
	movq %mm4, (%edx)	# write state 1
	addl $8, %ebx
	addl $8, %edi
	addl $8, %edx
	decl %ecx
	jnz .biquad_time_loop
	pop %edi
	pop %esi
	pop %ebx

--- NEW FILE: pixel_conv_hor_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
	# intermediate function
	# input in register:	
	# %mm0:	left 4 pixels
	# %mm1:	middle 4 pixels
	# %mm2:	right 4 pixels
	# %mm5:	left 4 pixel masks
	# %mm6:	middle 4 pixel masks
	# %mm7:	right 4 pixel masks
	# return in register:	 
	# %mm0:	middle 4 pixels result

	.align 16
	# compute quadruplet

	# get left pixels
	psrlq $48, %mm0			# shift word 3 to byte 0
	movq %mm1, %mm4
	psllq $16, %mm4			# shift word 0,1,2 to 1,2,3
	por %mm4, %mm0			# combine
	pmulhw %mm5, %mm0
	psllw $1, %mm0

	# get middle pixels
	movq %mm1, %mm4
	pmulhw %mm6, %mm4
	psllw $1, %mm4
	paddsw %mm4, %mm0	

	# get right pixels
	movq %mm2, %mm3
	psllq $48, %mm3			# shift word 0 to word 3
	movq %mm1, %mm4
	psrlq $16, %mm4			# shift word 1,2,3 to 0,1,2
	por %mm4, %mm3			# combine
	pmulhw %mm7, %mm3
	psllw $1, %mm3
	paddsw %mm3, %mm0		# accumulate
.globl pixel_conv_hor_s16
.type  pixel_conv_hor_s16, at function

# pixel_conv_hor_s16(short int *pixel_array, int nb_4_pixel_vectors, short int border[4], short int mask[12])
# horizontal unsigned pixel conv (1/4 1/2 1/4) not tested


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of 8 pixel vectors in a row (at least 2)

	movl 20(%ebp), %edi	# mask vector
	movq (%edi), %mm5
	movq 8(%edi), %mm6
	movq 16(%edi), %mm7
	movl 16(%ebp), %edi	# boundary pixel vector

	movq (%edi), %mm0	# init regs (left edge, so mm0 is zero)
	movq (%esi), %mm1
	movq 8(%esi), %mm2

	decl %ecx		# loop has 2 terminator stubs
	decl %ecx		# todo:	 handle if ecx < 3
	jmp .conv_line_loop

	.align 16
	call .conv_hor_4_pixels	# compute conv 
	movq %mm0, (%esi)	# store result
	movq %mm1, %mm0		# mm0 <- prev (%esi)
	movq %mm2, %mm1		# mm1 <- 8(%esi)
	movq 16(%esi), %mm2	# mm2 <- 16(%esi)
	addl $8, %esi		# increase pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .conv_line_loop

	call .conv_hor_4_pixels	# compute conv 
	movq %mm0, (%esi)	# store result
	movq %mm1, %mm0		# mm0 <- prev (%esi)
	movq %mm2, %mm1		# mm1 <- 8(%esi)
	movq (%edi), %mm2	# mm2 <- border

	call .conv_hor_4_pixels	# compute last vector
	movq %mm0, 8(%esi)	# store it
	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_crot_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_crot3d_s16
.type  pixel_crot3d_s16, at function

# 3 dimensional colour space rotation
# 3x3 matrix is column encoded, each coefficient is a 4x16 bit fixed point vector
# void pixel_crot3d_s16(int *buf, int nb_4pixel_vectors_per_plane, short int *matrix)

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# input array
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count
	movl 16(%ebp), %edi	# rotation matrix
	movl %ecx, %edx
	shll $3, %edx		# %edx = plane spacing

	.align 16

	movq (%esi), %mm0		# get 1st component
	movq (%esi,%edx,1), %mm6	# get 2nd component
	movq (%esi,%edx,2), %mm7	# get 3rd component

	movq %mm0, %mm1			# copy 1st component
	movq %mm0, %mm2

	pmulhw (%edi), %mm0		# mul first column
	pmulhw 8(%edi), %mm1
	pmulhw 16(%edi), %mm2

	movq %mm6, %mm5			# copy 2nd component
	movq %mm6, %mm3

	pmulhw 24(%edi), %mm6		# mul second column
	pmulhw 32(%edi), %mm5
	pmulhw 40(%edi), %mm3

	paddsw %mm6, %mm0		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm5, %mm1
	paddsw %mm3, %mm2

	movq %mm7, %mm4			# copy 3rd component
	movq %mm7, %mm6

	pmulhw 48(%edi), %mm4		# mul third column
	pmulhw 56(%edi), %mm6
	pmulhw 64(%edi), %mm7

	paddsw %mm4, %mm0		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm6, %mm1
	paddsw %mm7, %mm2

	paddsw %mm0, %mm0		# double (fixed point normalization)
	paddsw %mm1, %mm1
	paddsw %mm2, %mm2

	movq %mm0, (%esi)		# store
	movq %mm1, (%esi, %edx, 1)
	movq %mm2, (%esi, %edx, 2)

	addl $8, %esi			# increment source pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_crot3d		# loop

	pop %edi
	pop %esi

.globl pixel_crot2d_s16
.type  pixel_crot2d_s16, at function
# 2 dimensional colour space rotation
# 2x2 matrix is column encoded, each coefficient is a 4x16 bit fixed point vector
# void pixel_crot2d_s16(int *buf, int nb_4pixel_vectors_per_plane, short int *matrix)

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# input array
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count
	movl 16(%ebp), %edi	# rotation matrix
	movl %ecx, %edx
	shll $3, %edx		# %edx = plane spacing

	.align 16

	movq (%esi), %mm0		# get 1st component
	movq (%esi,%edx,1), %mm2	# get 2nd component

	movq %mm0, %mm1			# copy 1st component
	movq %mm2, %mm3			# copy 2nd component

	pmulhw (%edi), %mm0		# mul first column
	pmulhw 8(%edi), %mm1

	pmulhw 16(%edi), %mm2		# mul second column
	pmulhw 24(%edi), %mm3

	paddsw %mm2, %mm0		# accumulate
	paddsw %mm3, %mm1

	paddsw %mm0, %mm0		# fixed point gain correction
	paddsw %mm1, %mm1

	movq %mm0, (%esi)		# store
	movq %mm1, (%esi, %edx, 1)

	addl $8, %esi			# increment source pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_crot2d		# loop

	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_s1.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

	# this file contains ops for binary image processing
	# 8x8 bit tile encoded
	# low byte = bottom row
	# low bit = right column
	# %mm7 = scratch reg for all macros

	# ************ load mask *******************
	# compute bit masks for rows and columns
	# %mm7:	 scratch reg

	# load mask top
	.macro ldmt count reg
	pcmpeqb \reg, \reg
	psllq $(64-(\count<<3)), \reg

	# load mask bottom
	.macro ldmb count reg
	pcmpeqb \reg, \reg
	psrlq $(64-(\count<<3)), \reg

	# load mask top and bottom
	.macro ldmtb count regt regb
	ldmb \count, \regb
	ldmt \count, \regt

	# load mask right
	.macro ldmr count reg
	pcmpeqb %mm7, %mm7
	psrlw $(16-\count), %mm7
	movq %mm7, \reg
	psllq $8, %mm7
	por %mm7, \reg

	# load mask left	
	.macro ldml count reg
	pcmpeqb %mm7, %mm7
	psllw $(16-\count), %mm7
	movq %mm7, \reg
	psrlq $8, %mm7
	por %mm7, \reg

	# load mask left and right
	.macro ldmlr count regl regr
	pcmpeqb %mm7, %mm7
	psllw $(16-\count), %mm7
	movq %mm7, \regl
	psrlq $8, %mm7
	por %mm7, \regl
	movq \regl, \regr
	psrlq $(8-\count), \regr

	# ************* shift square **********
	# shifts a square in reg, fills with zeros

	# shift square top
	.macro sst count reg
	psllq $(\count<<3), \reg

	# shift square bottom
	.macro ssb count reg
	psrlq $(\count<<3), \reg

	# not tested
	# shift square left
	.macro ssl count reg
	movq \reg, %mm7
	pcmpeqb \reg, \reg
	psllw $(16-\count), \reg
	psrlw $8, \reg
	pandn %mm7, \reg
	psllw $(\count), \reg

	# shift square right
	.macro ssr count reg
	movq \reg, %mm7
	pcmpeqb \reg, \reg
	psrlw $(16-\count), \reg
	psllw $8, \reg
	pandn %mm7, \reg
	psrlw $(\count), \reg

	# ********** combine square *************
	# combines 2 squares

	# combine right
	.macro csr count regr reg
	ssl \count, \reg
	ssr (8-\count), \regr
	por \regr, \reg

	# combine left
	.macro csl count regl reg
	ssr \count, \reg
	ssl (8-\count), \regl
	por \regl, \reg

	# combine top
	.macro cst count regt reg
	ssb \count, \reg
	sst (8-\count), \regt
	por \regt, \reg

	# combine bottom
	.macro csb count regb reg
	sst \count, \reg
	ssb (8-\count), \regb
	por \regb, \reg

	# ********** load combine square *************
	# loads combined square using mask

	# load combined square left
	# mask should be count bits set right (i.e. 0x01)
	.macro lcsml count mask source sourcel dstreg
	movq \mask, \dstreg
	movq \mask, %mm7
	pandn \source, \dstreg
	pand \sourcel, %mm7
	psrlq $(\count), \dstreg
	psllq $(8-\count), %mm7
	por %mm7, \dstreg
.globl pixel_test_s1
.type  pixel_test_s1, at function

# simple add
# void pixel_add_s16(void *dest, void *source, int nb_squares, int spacing)


	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %edi	# dest
	movl 12(%ebp), %esi	# source
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# count
	movl 20(%ebp), %edx	# row distance

	ldmr 1, %mm6
	lcsml 1, %mm6, (%esi), 8(%esi), %mm0
	movq %mm0, (%edi)

#	movq (%esi), %mm0
#	movq 8(%esi), %mm1
#	csl 4, %mm1, %mm0
#	movq %mm0, (%edi)


	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pdp_mmx_test.c ---
#include "pdp_mmx.h"

#define FP(x) ((short int)(((float)(x) * 2 * 256.0f)))

#define nbp 256

    short int a1[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};
    short int a2[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};
    short int b0[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};
    short int b1[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};
    short int b2[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};

    short int u1[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};
    short int u2[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};

    short int x0[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};
    short int x1[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};
    short int x2[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};
    short int x3[4] = {0x0100,0x0100,0x0100,0x0100};

void print_pixel(unsigned int i)
    if (i) printf("x ");
    else printf(". ");

void print_line(void)

void print_square(unsigned char *c)
    int i,j;

    for(j=7; j>=0; j--){
	for(i=0; i<8; i++) print_pixel(c[j] & (1<<(7-i)));

    unsigned char src[16]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8};
    unsigned char dst[8];





--- NEW FILE: pixel_mul_s16.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_mul_s16
.type  pixel_mul_s16, at function

# simple add
# void pixel_mul_s16(int *left, int *right, int nb_4pixel_vectors)

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %edi	# left array
	movl 12(%ebp), %esi	# right array
	movl 16(%ebp), %ecx	# pixel count

	.align 16

#	prefetch 128(%esi)	
	movq (%esi), %mm1	# load right 4 pixels from memory
	movq (%edi), %mm0	# load 4 left pixels from memory
	pmulhw %mm1, %mm0	# mul
	psllw $1, %mm0		# fixed point shift correction
	movq %mm0, (%edi)
	addl $8, %esi
	addl $8, %edi
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_mix		# loop


	pop %edi
	pop %esi

--- NEW FILE: pixel_gain.s ---
#    Pure Data Packet mmx routine.
#    Copyright (c) by Tom Schouten <pdp at zzz.kotnet.org>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
.globl pixel_gain
.type  pixel_gain, at function

# mmx rgba pixel gain
# void asmtest(char *pixelarray, int32 nbpixels, int *rgba_gain)
# gains are 7.9 fixed point for rgba

	pushl %ebp
	movl %esp, %ebp
	push %esi
	push %edi

	movl 8(%ebp),  %esi	# pixel array offset
	movl 12(%ebp), %ecx	# nb of elements
	movl 16(%ebp), %edi	# int16[4] array of gains

	prefetch (%esi)

	sarl $2, %ecx		# process 4 pixels per loop iteration
	jz .exit
	movq (%edi), %mm7	# read gain array from memory
	jmp .loop_gain

	.align 16

	prefetch 128(%esi)	
	movq (%esi), %mm5	# load pixel 1-2  from memory
	movq 8(%esi), %mm6	# load pixel 3-4  from memory
	pxor %mm0, %mm0		# zero mm0 - mm3
	pxor %mm1, %mm1
	pxor %mm2, %mm2
	pxor %mm3, %mm3
	punpcklbw %mm5, %mm0	# unpack 1st pixel into 8.8 bit ints
	punpckhbw %mm5, %mm1	# unpack 2nd
	punpcklbw %mm6, %mm2	# unpack 3rd
	punpckhbw %mm6, %mm3	# unpack 4th
	psrlw $0x1, %mm0	# shift right to clear sign bit 9.7
	psrlw $0x1, %mm1
	psrlw $0x1, %mm2
	psrlw $0x1, %mm3
	pmulhw %mm7, %mm0	# multiply 1st pixel 9.7 * 7.9 -> 16.0
	pmulhw %mm7, %mm1	# multiply 2nd  
	pmulhw %mm7, %mm2	# multiply 3rd
	pmulhw %mm7, %mm3	# multiply 4th 

	packuswb %mm1, %mm0	# pack & saturate to 8bit vector
	movq %mm0, (%esi)	# store result in memory
	packuswb %mm3, %mm2	# pack & saturate to 8bit vector
	movq %mm2, 8(%esi)	# store result in memory

	addl $16, %esi		# increment source pointer
	decl %ecx
	jnz .loop_gain		# loop

	pop %edi
	pop %esi

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