[PD-cvs] SF.net SVN: pure-data: [9911] branches/pd-extended/v0-40/pd/src/u_main.tk

eighthave at users.sourceforge.net eighthave at users.sourceforge.net
Sun May 25 22:13:12 CEST 2008

Revision: 9911
Author:   eighthave
Date:     2008-05-25 13:13:10 -0700 (Sun, 25 May 2008)

Log Message:
checked in David Golightly's path and startup panels

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/pd-extended/v0-40/pd/src/u_main.tk
--- branches/pd-extended/v0-40/pd/src/u_main.tk	2008-05-25 19:28:42 UTC (rev 9910)
+++ branches/pd-extended/v0-40/pd/src/u_main.tk	2008-05-25 20:13:10 UTC (rev 9911)
@@ -66,6 +66,37 @@
+# namespace for general-purpose functions
+proc pdtk_encode { listdata } {
+    set outlist {}
+    foreach this_path $listdata {
+        if {0==[string match "" $this_path]} {
+            lappend outlist [pdtk_encodedialog $this_path]
+        }
+    }
+    return $outlist
+# args is a list of length 1 or 2,
+# specifying optional additional x, y offsets for the window
+proc center_window { w args } {
+    set offx 0
+    set offy 0
+    if { [llength $args] >= 2 } {
+        set offx [lindex $args 0]
+        set offy [lindex $args 1]
+    }
+    set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 \
+        - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]] + $offx]
+    set y [expr [winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 \
+        - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]] + $offy]
+    wm geom $w +$x+$y
 # start Pd-extended font hacks -----------------------------
 # Pd-0.39.2-extended hacks to make font/box sizes the same across platform
@@ -4532,174 +4563,417 @@
-############ pdtk_path_dialog -- dialog window for search path #########
-proc path_apply {id} {
-    global pd_extrapath pd_verbose
-    global pd_path_count
-    set pd_path {}
+############ namespace ScrollBox -- utility scrollbar with default bindings #########
+# This ScrollBox is used in the Path and Startup dialogs to edit lists of options
-    for {set x 0} {$x < $pd_path_count} {incr x} {
-        global pd_path$x
-        set this_path [set pd_path$x]
-        if {0==[string match "" $this_path]} {lappend pd_path [pdtk_encodedialog $this_path]}
+namespace eval ScrollBox {
+    # This variable keeps track of the last list element we clicked on,
+    # used to implement drag-drop reordering of list items
+    variable lastIdx 0
+    proc get_curidx { id } {
+        set idx [$id.listbox.box index active]
+        if {$idx < 0 || \
+            $idx == [$id.listbox.box index end]} {
+            return [expr {[$id.listbox.box index end] + 1}]
+        }
+        return [expr $idx]
-    pd [concat pd path-dialog $pd_extrapath $pd_verbose $pd_path \;]
+    proc insert_item { id idx name } {
+        if {$name != ""} {
+            $id.listbox.box insert $idx $name
+            set activeIdx [expr {[$id.listbox.box index active] + 1}]
+            $id.listbox.box see $activeIdx
+            $id.listbox.box activate $activeIdx
+            $id.listbox.box selection clear 0 end
+            $id.listbox.box selection set active
+            focus $id.listbox.box
+        }
+    }
-proc path_cancel {id} {
-    pd [concat $id cancel \;]
+    proc add_item { id add_method } {
+        set dir [$add_method]
+        insert_item $id [expr {[get_curidx $id] + 1}] $dir
+    }
-proc path_ok {id} {
-    path_apply $id
-    path_cancel $id
+    proc edit_item { id edit_method } {
+        set idx [expr {[get_curidx $id]}]
+        set initialValue [$id.listbox.box get $idx]
+        if {$initialValue != ""} {
+            set dir [$edit_method $initialValue]
-proc pdtk_path_dialog {id extrapath verbose} {
-    global pd_extrapath pd_verbose
-    global pd_path
-    global pd_path_count
+            if {$dir != ""} {
+                $id.listbox.box delete $idx
+                insert_item $id $idx $dir
+            }
+            $id.listbox.box activate $idx
+            $id.listbox.box selection clear 0 end
+            $id.listbox.box selection set active
+            focus $id.listbox.box
+        }
+    }
-    set pd_path_count [expr [llength $pd_path] + 2]
-    if { $pd_path_count < 10 } { set pd_path_count 10 }
+    proc delete_item { id } {
+        set cursel [$id.listbox.box curselection]
+        foreach idx $cursel {
+            $id.listbox.box delete $idx
+        }
+    }
-    for {set x 0} {$x < $pd_path_count} {incr x} {
-        global pd_path$x
-        set pd_path$x [lindex $pd_path $x]
+    # Double-clicking on the listbox should edit the current item,
+    # or add a new one if there is no current
+    proc dbl_click { id edit_method add_method x y } {
+        if { $x == "" || $y == "" } {
+            return
+        }
+        set curBB [$id.listbox.box bbox @$x,$y]
+        # listbox bbox returns an array of 4 items in the order:
+        # left, top, width, height
+        set height [lindex $curBB 3]
+        set top [lindex $curBB 1]
+        if { $height == "" || $top == "" } {
+            # If for some reason we didn't get valid bbox info,
+            # we want to default to adding a new item
+            set height 0
+            set top 0
+            set y 1
+        }
+        set bottom [expr {$height + $top}]
+        if {$y > $bottom} {
+            add_item $id $add_method
+        } else {
+            edit_item $id $edit_method
+        }
-    set pd_extrapath $extrapath
-    set pd_verbose $verbose
-    toplevel $id
-    wm title $id {PD search path for patches and other files}
-    wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW [concat path_cancel $id]
+    proc click { id x y } {
+        # record the index of the current element being
+        # clicked on
+        set ::lastIdx [$id.listbox.box index @$x,$y]
-    pdtk_panelkeybindings $id "path"
+        focus $id.listbox.box
+    }
-    frame $id.buttonframe
-    pack $id.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
-    button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel}\
-        -command "path_cancel $id"
-    button $id.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply}\
-        -command "path_apply $id"
-    button $id.buttonframe.ok -text {OK}\
-        -command "path_ok $id"
-    pack $id.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1
-    pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1
-    pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1
-    frame $id.extraframe
-    pack $id.extraframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
-    checkbutton $id.extraframe.extra -text {use standard extensions} \
-        -variable pd_extrapath -anchor w 
-    checkbutton $id.extraframe.verbose -text {verbose} \
-        -variable pd_verbose -anchor w 
-    button $id.extraframe.save -text {Save all settings}\
-        -command "path_apply $id \; pd pd save-preferences \\;"
-    pack $id.extraframe.extra $id.extraframe.verbose $id.extraframe.save \
-        -side left -expand 1
+    # For drag-and-drop reordering, recall the last-clicked index
+    # and move it to the position of the item currently under the mouse
+    proc release { id x y } {
+        set curIdx [$id.listbox.box index @$x,$y]
-    for {set x 0} {$x < $pd_path_count} {incr x} {
-        entry $id.f$x -textvariable pd_path$x -width 80
-        pack $id.f$x -side top
+        if { $curIdx != $::lastIdx } {
+            # clear any current selection
+            $id.listbox.box selection clear 0 end
+            set oldIdx $::lastIdx
+            set newIdx [expr {$curIdx+1}]
+            set selIdx $curIdx
+            if { $curIdx < $::lastIdx } {
+                set oldIdx [expr {$::lastIdx + 1}]
+                set newIdx $curIdx
+                set selIdx $newIdx
+            }
+            $id.listbox.box insert $newIdx [$id.listbox.box get $::lastIdx]
+            $id.listbox.box delete $oldIdx
+            $id.listbox.box activate $newIdx
+            $id.listbox.box selection set $selIdx
+        }
-    focus $id.f0
+    # Make a ScrollBox widget in a given window and set of data.
+    #
+    # id - the parent window for the scrollbox
+    # listdata - array of data to populate the scrollbox
+    # add_method - method to be called when we add a new item
+    # edit_method - method to be called when we edit an existing item
+    proc make { id listdata add_method edit_method } {
+        global pd_nt
+        frame $id.listbox
+        listbox $id.listbox.box \
+            -selectmode browse -activestyle dotbox \
+            -yscrollcommand [list "$id.listbox.scrollbar" set]
-proc pd_set {var value} {
-    global $var
-    set $var $value
+        # Create a scrollbar and keep it in sync with the current
+        # listbox view
+        pack $id.listbox.box [scrollbar "$id.listbox.scrollbar" \
+                -command [list $id.listbox.box yview]] \
+                -side left -fill y -anchor w 
+        # Populate the listbox widget
+        foreach item $listdata {
+            $id.listbox.box insert end $item
+        }
+        # Standard listbox key/mouse bindings
+        event add <<Delete>> <Delete>
+        if { $pd_nt == 2 } { event add <<Delete>> <BackSpace> }
+        bind $id.listbox.box <ButtonPress> "ScrollBox::click $id %x %y"
+        bind $id.listbox.box <Double-1> "ScrollBox::dbl_click $id $edit_method $add_method %x %y"
+        bind $id.listbox.box <ButtonRelease> "ScrollBox::release $id %x %y"
+        bind $id.listbox.box <Return> "ScrollBox::edit_item $id $edit_method"
+        bind $id.listbox.box <<Delete>> "ScrollBox::delete_item $id"
+        # <Configure> is called when the user modifies the window
+        # We use it to capture resize events, to make sure the
+        # currently selected item in the listbox is always visible
+        bind $id <Configure> "$id.listbox.box see active"
+        # The listbox should expand to fill its containing window
+        # the "-fill" option specifies which direction (x, y or both) to fill, while
+        # the "-expand" option (false by default) specifies whether the widget
+        # should fill
+        pack $id.listbox.box -side left -fill both -expand 1
+        pack $id.listbox -side top -pady 2m -padx 2m -fill both -expand 1
+        # All widget interactions can be performed without buttons, but
+        # we still need a "New..." button since the currently visible window
+        # might be full (even though the user can still expand it)
+        frame $id.actions 
+        pack $id.actions -side top -padx 2m -fill x 
+        button $id.actions.add_path -text {New...} \
+            -command "ScrollBox::add_item $id $add_method"
+        button $id.actions.edit_path -text {Edit...} \
+            -command "ScrollBox::edit_item $id $edit_method"
+        button $id.actions.delete_path -text {Delete} \
+            -command "ScrollBox::delete_item $id"
+        pack $id.actions.delete_path -side right -pady 2m
+        pack $id.actions.edit_path -side right -pady 2m
+        pack $id.actions.add_path -side right -pady 2m
+        $id.listbox.box activate end
+        $id.listbox.box selection set end
+        focus $id.listbox.box
+    }
-########## pdtk_startup_dialog -- dialog window for startup options #########
-proc startup_apply {id} {
-    global pd_nort pd_flags
-    global pd_startup_count
-    set pd_startup {}
-    for {set x 0} {$x < $pd_startup_count} {incr x} {
-        global pd_startup$x
-        set this_startup [set pd_startup$x]
-        if {0==[string match "" $this_startup]} {lappend pd_startup [pdtk_encodedialog $this_startup]}
+############ namespace dlg_ScrollBoxWindow -- scrollbox window with default bindings #########
+## This is the base dialog behind the Path and Startup dialogs
+## This namespace specifies everything the two dialogs have in common,
+## with arguments specifying the differences
+## By default, this creates a dialog centered on the viewing area of the screen
+## with cancel, apply, and OK buttons
+## which contains a ScrollBox widget populated with the given data
+namespace eval dlg_ScrollBoxWindow {
+    proc get_listdata { id } {
+        return [$id.listbox.box get 0 end]
-    pd [concat pd startup-dialog $pd_nort [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_flags] $pd_startup \;]
+    proc do_apply { id commit_method listdata } {
+        $commit_method [pdtk_encode $listdata]
+        pd "pd save-preferences \;"
+    }
+    # Cancel button action
+    proc cancel { id } {
+        pd [concat $id cancel \;]
+    }
+    # Apply button action
+    proc apply { id commit_method } {
+        do_apply $id $commit_method [get_listdata $id]
+    }
+    # OK button action
+    # The "commit" action can take a second or more,
+    # long enough to be noticeable, so we only write
+    # the changes after closing the dialog
+    proc ok { id commit_method } {
+        set listdata [get_listdata $id]
+        cancel $id
+        do_apply $id $commit_method $listdata
+    }
+    # "Constructor" function for building the window
+    # id -- the window id to use
+    # listdata -- the data used to populate the scrollbox
+    # add_method -- a reference to a proc to be called when the user adds a new item
+    # edit_method -- same as above, for editing and existing item
+    # commit_method -- same as above, to commit during the "apply" action
+    # title -- top-level title for the dialog
+    # width, height -- initial width and height dimensions for the window, also minimum size
+    proc make { id listdata add_method edit_method commit_method title width height } {
+        toplevel $id
+        wm title $id $title
+        wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW [concat dlg_ScrollBoxWindow::cancel $id]
+        # Enforce a minimum size for the window
+        wm minsize $id $width $height
+        # Set the current dimensions of the window
+        wm geometry $id "${width}x${height}"
+        # Center the window on the screen
+        after idle "center_window $id"
+        # Add the scrollbox widget
+        ScrollBox::make $id $listdata $add_method $edit_method
+        # Use two frames for the buttons, since we want them both
+        # bottom and right
+        frame $id.nb
+        pack $id.nb -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
+        frame $id.nb.buttonframe
+        pack $id.nb.buttonframe -side right -padx 2m
+        button $id.nb.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel}\
+            -command "dlg_ScrollBoxWindow::cancel $id"
+        button $id.nb.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply}\
+            -command "dlg_ScrollBoxWindow::apply $id $commit_method"
+        button $id.nb.buttonframe.ok -text {OK}\
+            -command "dlg_ScrollBoxWindow::ok $id $commit_method"
+        pack $id.nb.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1 -padx 2m
+        pack $id.nb.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1 -padx 2m
+        pack $id.nb.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1 -padx 2m
+   }
-proc startup_cancel {id} {
-    pd [concat $id cancel \;]
+############ pdtk_path_dialog -- dialog window for search path #########
+namespace eval dlg_Path {
+    proc choosePath { curValue title } {
+        if {$curValue == ""} {
+            set curValue "~"
+        }
+        return [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $curValue -title $title]
+    }
+    proc add {} {
+        return [dlg_Path::choosePath "" {Add a new path}]
+    }
+    proc edit { curValue } {
+        return [dlg_Path::choosePath $curValue "Edit existing path \[$curValue\]"]
+    }
+    proc commit { new_path } {
+        global pd_extrapath pd_verbose
+        global pd_path
+        set pd_path $new_path
+        pd [concat pd path-dialog $pd_extrapath $pd_verbose $pd_path \;]
+    }
+    proc init { id extrapath verbose } {
+        global pd_extrapath pd_verbose
+        global pd_path
+        set pd_extrapath $extrapath
+        set pd_verbose $verbose
+        dlg_ScrollBoxWindow::make $id $pd_path \
+            dlg_Path::add dlg_Path::edit dlg_Path::commit \
+            {PD search path for patches and other files} \
+            400 300 
+        frame $id.extraframe
+        pack $id.extraframe -side bottom -pady 2m
+        checkbutton $id.extraframe.extra -text {use standard extensions} \
+            -variable pd_extrapath -anchor w 
+        checkbutton $id.extraframe.verbose -text {verbose} \
+            -variable pd_verbose -anchor w 
+        pack $id.extraframe.extra $id.extraframe.verbose \
+            -side left -expand 1
+    }
-proc startup_ok {id} {
-    startup_apply $id
-    startup_cancel $id
+proc pdtk_path_dialog { id extrapath verbose } {
+    dlg_Path::init $id $extrapath $verbose
-proc pdtk_startup_dialog {id nort flags} {
-    global pd_nort pd_nt pd_flags
-    global pd_startup
-    global pd_startup_count
-    set pd_startup_count [expr [llength $pd_startup] + 2]
-    if { $pd_startup_count < 10 } { set pd_startup_count 10 }
+########## pdtk_startup_dialog -- dialog window for startup options #########
+namespace eval dlg_Startup {
+    # Create a simple modal window with an entry widget
+    # for editing/adding a startup command 
+    # (the next-best-thing to in-place editing)
+    proc chooseCommand { prompt initialValue } {
+        global cmd
+        set cmd $initialValue
-    for {set x 0} {$x < $pd_startup_count} {incr x} {
-        global pd_startup$x
-        set pd_startup$x [lindex $pd_startup $x]
-    }
+        toplevel .inputBox
+        wm title .inputBox $prompt
+        wm minsize .inputBox 450 30
+        wm resizable .inputBox 1 0
+        wm geom .inputBox "450x30"
+        after idle { center_window .inputBox 10 50 }
-    set pd_nort $nort
-    set pd_flags $flags
-    toplevel $id
-    wm title $id {Pd binaries to load (on next startup)}
-    wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW [concat startup_cancel $id]
+        button .inputBox.cmdOK -text "OK" -command { destroy .inputBox }
-    pdtk_panelkeybindings $id "startup"
+        entry .inputBox.txtInput -width 50 -textvariable cmd 
+        pdtk_standardkeybindings .inputBox.txtInput
+        bind .inputBox.txtInput <KeyPress-Return> { destroy .inputBox }
+        bind .inputBox.txtInput <KeyPress-Escape> { destroy .inputBox }
+        pack .inputBox.txtInput -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 2m
+        pack .inputBox.cmdOK -side left 
-    frame $id.buttonframe
-    pack $id.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
-    button $id.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel}\
-        -command "startup_cancel $id"
-    button $id.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply}\
-        -command "startup_apply $id"
-    button $id.buttonframe.ok -text {OK}\
-        -command "startup_ok $id"
-    pack $id.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1
-    pack $id.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1
-    pack $id.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1
-    frame $id.flags
-    pack $id.flags -side bottom
-    label $id.flags.entryname -text {startup flags}
-    entry $id.flags.entry -textvariable pd_flags -width 80
-    pack $id.flags.entryname $id.flags.entry -side left
+        focus .inputBox.txtInput
-    frame $id.nortframe
-    pack $id.nortframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
-    if {$pd_nt != 1} {
-        checkbutton $id.nortframe.nort -text {defeat real-time scheduling} \
-            -variable pd_nort -anchor w
+        grab .inputBox
+        raise .inputBox
+        wm transient .inputBox
+        tkwait window .inputBox
+        return $cmd
-    button $id.nortframe.save -text {Save all settings}\
-        -command "startup_apply $id \; pd pd save-preferences \\;"
-    if {$pd_nt != 1} {
-        pack $id.nortframe.nort $id.nortframe.save -side left -expand 1
-    } else {
-        pack $id.nortframe.save -side left -expand 1
+    proc add {} {
+        return [chooseCommand {Add new startup command} ""]
+    proc edit { curValue } {
+        return [chooseCommand {Edit startup command} $curValue]
+    }
+    proc commit { new_startup } {
+        global pd_nort pd_flags
+        global pd_startup
+        set pd_startup $new_startup
-    for {set x 0} {$x < $pd_startup_count} {incr x} {
-        entry $id.f$x -textvariable pd_startup$x -width 80 -borderwidth 1 -bg grey98 \
-			-highlightthickness 1 -highlightcolor blue
-        pack $id.f$x -side top
+        pd [concat pd startup-dialog $pd_nort [pdtk_encodedialog $pd_flags] $pd_startup \;]
-    focus $id.f0
+    proc init { id nort flags } {
+        global pd_nort pd_nt pd_flags
+        global pd_startup
+        set pd_nort $nort
+        set pd_flags $flags
+        dlg_ScrollBoxWindow::make $id $pd_startup \
+            dlg_Startup::add dlg_Startup::edit dlg_Startup::commit \
+            {PD binaries to load (on next startup)} \
+            400 300
+        label $id.entryname -text {startup flags:}
+        entry $id.entry -textvariable pd_flags -width 60
+        bind $id.entry <KeyPress-Return> [concat dlg_Startup::ok $id]
+        pdtk_standardkeybindings $id.entry
+        pack $id.entryname $id.entry -side left
+        pack $id.entry -side right -padx 2m -fill x -expand 1
+        frame $id.nortframe
+        pack $id.nortframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
+        if {$pd_nt != 1} {
+            checkbutton $id.nortframe.nort -text {defeat real-time scheduling} \
+                -variable pd_nort -anchor w
+        }
+   }
+proc pdtk_startup_dialog {id nort flags} {
+    dlg_Startup::init $id $nort $flags

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