[PD-dev] CVS/SVN @ iem (was Re: [GEM-dev] CVS...)

Jamie Bullock jamie at postlude.co.uk
Fri May 12 12:50:09 CEST 2006

IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

>> I would of thought that the nicest way to do this would be to run an LDAP service and >>use it to manage svn users/groups as well as Zope users/groups and authentication for the > puredata site. Of course, that's significantly more work.

>on the long run i think it might well be worth it. especially the 
>user-administration would be eased a lot if we could use the existing 
>framework. no need to ssh to the server and manually edit flat files, 
>the user-managment (setting passwords!) is already handled.

>(btw, the user-db of puredata.info is currently not stored in an 
>ldap-tree but rather directly in zope/plone; most likely there exists a 
>possibility to migrate)

I am currently investigating similar possibilities for a different project (we want to manage our users, groups, mailing lists, svn accounts through the Plone/Zope interface, using LDAP as a backend to store account details and credentials). If you are interested in going down this route, i'll keep you posted about my findings.


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