[PD-dev] tooltips ideas (was: Re: [PD-dev] displaying when an arg has been overridden)

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Sat Jul 1 04:24:58 CEST 2006

On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> #X obj 100 100 inlet;
> #G tooltip reset the game

what i'll implement tonight is most likely:

   #X obj 100 100 inlet;
   #V name reset_the_game;

then suppose one wants [inlet] to look red at once:

   #X obj 100 100 inlet;
   #V color red;

the combination of both will look like:

   #X obj 100 100 inlet;
   #V name reset_the_game \, color red;

because \, is the A_COMMA as found in messageboxes; so "name" and "color" 
are selectors in #V. This will also be loadable as:

   #X obj 100 100 inlet;
   #V name reset_the_game;
   #V color red;

but pd won't remember the difference so will save using only the first 

Also note that "color" is reserved for the color of the objectbox while 
"icolor" (or any other name that you suggest) will be used for the color 
of the inlet itself.

At runtime, for each t_gobj *x, those values will be held in 
g_adix->g_adix->visual, which is of type t_hash *.

Note that t_hash is not thread-safe, because i'm lazy.

Semicolon still ends each line, because absence thereof still signifies 
continuation of the same line, because it's really not worth it to 
introducing parsing rules specific to #V (or to your #G).

> any pd interpreter could just omit lines starting with "#G", and still 
> the functionality of the patch would be untouched.

That's also one of my goals.

> an interpreter could also choose to ignore certain tags in the #G lines 
> (e.g. no fanzy color support).

The problem is that Miller's Pd will ignore #V upon load, so saving back 
will remove #V information from the file.

> #G (like "Gui") is attached to the preceding "#X" line.
> i would prefer "#P" (Properties), but this is already taken

The problem with "Properties" is that everyone else's "Properties" are 
already stored in the #X line. To complicate matters, many object classes 
(IEMGUI and anything that was created by copypasting IEMGUI files) have 
visual (patch-only) properties stored in #X. Makes you wonder what the 
right-click menu should look like when a class has both #X properties and 
#V properties.

  _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju
| Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada

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