[PD-dev] Dead-simple threaded external example?

B. Bogart ben at ekran.org
Wed Feb 25 00:00:58 CET 2009

Hey all,

I'm working on a gphoto2 external.

I've gotten quite far, except now when I set a config option in the
camera PD gets a SIGHUP and the watchdog starts. I think this is due to
libgphoto doing some stuff in the background and messing with PD's

Once this call is made:

gp_ret = gp_camera_set_config (gphoto2->camera, config, NULL);

then no further lines are read, so I'm guessing PD bails before the
function returns.

This is simply a control object, it need not provide any sync with
audio/gem, just needs to send the messages (via libusb) in a reasonable
amount of time.

Anyone have a very simply pthreads example in a PD external?

I've attached the current state of my code for reference, in case
someone has a better idea.

B. Bogart
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