[PD-dev] new pd 0.53-2 stable release?

Alexandre Torres Porres porres at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 05:53:28 CET 2023

In relation to the original topic discussion, it seems miller has finished
0.53-2 and is having a hard time announcing to the Pd list and uploading it
to his site, this came up on github messages.

In the meantime, I released ELSE, which theoretically also depends on 53-2
(and it seems it's fine in this case). Also, in the meantime, someone
complained that he installed the latest cyclone and [scope~] "wasn't
there", or was broken. The truth is that he was using 0.51 and the code now
uses a recent 'undo' for GUIs introduced in 0.52. So it seems I can maybe
not say it actually "needed" 0.53, but I wouldn't go lower than 52! The
thing is I just asked him to upgrade to 0.53 and he gladly did.

I usually see people just sticking to old versions of Pd just because they
don't really follow up that much. There's no automatic version check or
warnings for people to upgrade and stuff. I wouldn't know why someone would
not upgrade to the latest version as this is something I always did and
never had an issue. I get the deal of being careful in upgrading your
software, but Pd feels very safe... occasionally there are some regression
bugs, but serious stuff get fixed quickly and something like that happened
in from 0.53-0 to 0.53-1, and the latest version is the safe one if you
have the latest macOS.

I'm not saying there may not be any issue ever. I'm just saying I have this
experience and I'm not quite aware of the need to hold back to previous
versions. I'm curious to hear more about it though. I can say that similar
things have happened before, with people complaining about an issue or a
bug and me telling them they needed to upgrade, no one ever complained they

The thing is, I can't change the past. Packages are uploaded and they have
this warning. I've been careful in always stating that people needed the
version. I can think of a better and more detailed way to say things. I
agree that saying it "needs" the latest version is misleading. The thing is
that giving too much details seems not a good idea either. Let me think...

But anyway, like I said, if anyone doesn't want 0.53 for some reason, 0.52
is the minimum version for a reasonable support for cyclone 0.7-0.


Em sex., 24 de fev. de 2023 às 14:04, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig at iem.at>

> On 2/24/23 16:33, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
> > The changelog (a kind of release note) is clear about it
> fine.
> but would you, as an avid Pd-0.52-4 user (who currently cannot afford to
> upgrade) download cyclone-0.7.0 which was announced as "requires
> Pd-0.53-2" (so you kind of know that it won't work for you), then go and
> find the ChangeLog within the package just to see that indeed Pd-0.53-2
> is not required unless you open one of the help-patches and also notice
> that in some circumstances (which are best avoided in any case) one of
> the objects shows a wrong number?
> how about instead adding a note to your help-patch that says:
>  > NOTE: On Pd<0.53-2 NaN-values are not displayed properly?
> and then stop announcing the requirement on Pd>=0.53-2?
> gmadsr
> IOhannes
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