[PD-dev] double precision pd?

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Thu Jun 8 15:23:38 CEST 2023

Am 8. Juni 2023 11:15:17 MESZ schrieb Lucas Cordiviola <lucarda27 at hotmail.com>:
>How hard it would be to have both apps together in a single "Pure data" package:

Interesting idea.

Esp for the windows packages (both the zip and the installer) I think that would make a lot of sense.

For the macOS app, I don't know whether it will work (but of course the downloadable dmg could provide both apps, and it might compress well enough that the additional content won't be a problem)

On Linux I prefer to split rather than merge, so I'm pretty sure I will package them separately on Debian

>$ pd
>$ pd64

But if course the two packages will be co-installable.
Depending on user demands, I might also consider pulling in the double-package via a "soft" dependency.

>Oh no, compilation will be complex.

Not really.
You basically have to build twice...

I don't think that the standard building workflow should be adjusted for the special case of building both variants (though now that I've written that, it's probably simple enough...)


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