[PD-dev] help coding an object, I need it cause I don't know better

Alexandre Torres Porres porres at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 02:11:07 CEST 2023

Em seg., 9 de out. de 2023 às 20:27, Alexandre Torres Porres <
porres at gmail.com> escreveu:

> but printing and debugging, it does say and show it was in fact created...

here's to illustrate, I load the patch with a single [var a b c] object,
and I'm printing at creation time that it's creating 'a', 'b' and 'c' which
didn't exist before. If I duplicate the object, it says it's creating 'a'
again as if it didn't already exist.. copy again and you get yet the same
thing. Now if I delete the first object it shows that error where it
couldn't find the variable to free it, as it really never existed. If I do
"control z" and recreated the object, it recreates yet once again variable

[image: Screen Shot 2023-10-09 at 21.07.39.png]

I don't know how to test any further and it really seems there's NOTHING
wrong with it with the code :)

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