[PD-dev] threads

Caoimhe &co kumoyuki at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 14:08:28 CEST 2024

On Thu, 11 Apr 2024 at 07:52, Christof Ressi <info at christofressi.com> wrote:
> I get at least four threads. Just for some context: here on Windows I get
10 threads when I open Pd and start DSP, but only 2 of these are active and
the remaining 8 or idle.

Yeah, that's just the way that Windows rolls for any program that has a
message loop. It's also different when you run under a debugger than when
you run  standalone. Why yes, I do get paid not enough to do deep Windows
debugging, why do you ask?

> The Pd core itself does not spawn any threads, only the audio backend and
certain objects/externals do (notably [readsf~] and [writesf~]).

I was aware of that as the standard story, which is why I was surprised to
see four threads, and that it was in (relatively) invariant even when you
included to more 'primitive' back-ends like OSS. It seems like this is a
bit of lore that should be known, if not particularly documented anywhere.

> But why do you care about the number of threads in the first place?

Because I am working on code which is trying to handle some of the *other*
JACK data streams. Ambiguity in thread functionality makes for ambiguity in

>> As an aside: is the code in z_ringbuffer.{c,h} considered trustworthy? I
note that the other code in PD
>> appears to use the sys_ringbuffer* API, which seems to be built on the
PA ringbuffer.

> Is the PA ringbuffer considered trustworthy?

Well it is *in use*, which means that *somebody* considers it trustworthy
(in a multi-threaded context). z_ringbuffer appears to be deployed in
pretty much only one context which appears to be pretty much isolated to
always being in the same thread. But see my above question about threading.
I had debugging artifacts which looked like z_ringbuffer was behaving badly
under thread race conditions, so I looked at the code, and I am pretty sure
that z_ringbuffer's use of atomics is actually incorrect. I haven't yet
taken the time to prove this as the z_ringbuffer call sites are very

> Note that the ringbuffer code in "s_audio_ringbuf.c" - for whatever
reason - is missing all the memory
> barriers from the original PA implementation. This happens to work as the
implementation is in another
> source file and (non-inline) function calls act as compiler barriers and
Intel has a strong memory model,
> but if compiled with LTO this code may very well fail on other platforms,
particularly on ARM.

 Yeah, I saw that. It's actually *worse* because the header file
multi-include protection uses the same preprocessor symbol as the JACK
ringbuffer implementation. I fixed that in my local git repo. How do I know
this? After a light code read, I switched to using the JACK ringbuffer
implementation, which I *do* trust.

>> I ask because I had some problems with z_ringbuffer.c and after a code
read, there are some
>> bits which look sketchy enough to me that I decided to stop using it.

> Which problems did you have? And which bits look sketchy? There are some
things that could be
> improved. The original code has been written before C11, i.e. before
C/C++ got an official memory
> model. As a consequence, the platform specific atomic instructions /
memory barriers are stronger
> than required. In general, SYNC_FETCH should really be called SYNC_LOAD
> should be called SYNC_STORE. With C11, SYNC_LOAD could be just an
atomic_load (with
> memory_order_acquire) and SYNC_STORE could be an atomic_store (with
> Apart from that, the code looks fine to me.

As I said above, I am pretty sure that z_ringbuffer's use of atomics is
actually incorrect. I haven't yet taken the time to prove this as the
z_ringbuffer call sites are very limited, and it clearly works in context.
I don't think it will work in a more difficult context. The last time I
worked with atomics, I ended up writing an automated proof checker to make
sure that all of the cases worked correctly. I work with PD when I want to
make music more than I want to do advanced CS. And then there's the
question of the marginal utility of PD having its own implementation of a
ringbuffer, but I will leave that for all of you who have dedicated far
more time than I to the maintenance of this project.

- c&co
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