/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* changes added my Olaf Matthes on 15th Oct. 2003: - added priority scheduling (-rt flag) - added memlocking (-rt flag) - changed to new audio API (al instead of AL) */ /* changes added my Olaf Matthes on 16th Nov. 2003: - support for multiple devices: in the end nearly completely rewrote this file and removed a lot of Soerens changes from s_main.c */ #include "m_imp.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_BSTRING_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int mdInit(void); /* prototype was messed up in midi.h */ #define SGI_MAXCH 12 /* 2 x stereo plus 8 ADATA */ #define MAXAUDIODEV 3 /* applies for my Octane */ #define DEFAULTCHANS 2 /* stereo as our default */ #define DEFAULTINDEV -1 /* use defaults from audio panel */ #define DEFAULTOUTDEV -1 static ALport iport[MAXAUDIODEV]; static ALport oport[MAXAUDIODEV]; static ALconfig sgi_inconfig; static ALconfig sgi_outconfig; static int sys_inchannels, sys_outchannels; static int sys_nindevs, sys_noutdevs; static int sys_ninchans[MAXAUDIODEV], sys_noutchans[MAXAUDIODEV]; static int sys_audiobufsamps; int sys_schedadvance = 50000; /* scheduler advance in microseconds */ /* (this is set ridiculously high until we can get the real-time scheduling act together.) */ int sys_hipriority = 0; static int sgi_meters; /* true if we're metering */ static float sgi_inmax; /* max input amplitude */ static float sgi_outmax; /* max output amplitude */ /* set the special "flush zero" but (FS, bit 24) in the Control Status Register of the FPU of R4k and beyond so that the result of any underflowing operation will be clamped to zero, and no exception of any kind will be generated on the CPU. thanks to cpirazzi@cp.esd.sgi.com (Chris Pirazzi). */ static void sgi_flush_all_underflows_to_zero(void) { union fpc_csr f; f.fc_word = get_fpc_csr(); f.fc_struct.flush = 1; set_fpc_csr(f.fc_word); } /* convert the most common errors into readable strings */ static char *sgi_get_error_message(int err) { switch (err) { case AL_BAD_CONFIG: return "Invalid config"; case AL_BAD_DIRECTION: return "Invalid direction (neither \"r\" nor \"w\")"; case AL_BAD_OUT_OF_MEM: return "Not enough memory"; case AL_BAD_DEVICE_ACCESS: return "Audio hardware is not available or is improperly configured"; case AL_BAD_DEVICE: return "Invalid device"; case AL_BAD_NO_PORTS: return "No audio ports available"; case AL_BAD_QSIZE: return "Invalid fifo size"; case AL_BAD_SAMPFMT: return "Invalid sample format"; case AL_BAD_FLOATMAX: return "Invalid float maximum"; case AL_BAD_WIDTH: return "Invalid sample width"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } static void sgi_setsr(int sr) { sys_dacsr = sr; sys_audiobufsamps = (sys_schedadvance * sys_dacsr) / (1000000.); if (sys_audiobufsamps < 3 * DACBLKSIZE) sys_audiobufsamps = 3 * DACBLKSIZE; } static void sgi_setch(int inchans, int outchans) { int inbytes = inchans * (DACBLKSIZE*sizeof(float)); int outbytes = outchans * (DACBLKSIZE*sizeof(float)); sys_inchannels = inchans; sys_outchannels = outchans; if (sys_soundin) free(sys_soundin); sys_soundin = (t_float *)malloc(inbytes); memset(sys_soundin, 0, inbytes); if (sys_soundout) free(sys_soundout); sys_soundout = (t_float *)malloc(outbytes); memset(sys_soundout, 0, outbytes); if (sys_verbose) post("input channels = %d, output channels = %d", sys_inchannels, sys_outchannels); } static void sgi_open_audio(int nindev, int *indev, int nchin, int *chin, int noutdev, int *outdev, int nchout, int *chout, int rate) { ALpv pvbuf[2]; int num_devs = 0; int in_dev = 0; int out_dev = 0; int inchans = 0; int outchans = 0; int err, n; sgi_setsr(rate); for (n = 0; n < nindev; n++) { int gotchannels = 0; int thisdevice = indev[n]; int wantchannels = chin[n]; char *indevnames[4] = {"DefaultIn", "AnalogIn", "AESIn", "ADATIn"}; if(thisdevice > 0) /* open specified defice by name */ { if(sys_verbose)post("opening %s", indevnames[thisdevice]); in_dev = alGetResourceByName(AL_SYSTEM, indevnames[thisdevice], AL_DEVICE_TYPE); } else /* open default device */ { if(sys_verbose)post("opening %s", indevnames[0]); in_dev = AL_DEFAULT_INPUT; } if(!in_dev) { error("%s\n", sgi_get_error_message(in_dev)); continue; /* try next device, if any */ } sgi_inconfig = alNewConfig(); alSetSampFmt(sgi_inconfig, AL_SAMPFMT_FLOAT); alSetFloatMax(sgi_outconfig, 1.1f); alSetChannels(sgi_outconfig, chin[n]); alSetQueueSize(sgi_inconfig, sys_audiobufsamps * chin[n]); alSetDevice(sgi_inconfig, in_dev); iport[n] = alOpenPort("Pd input port", "r", sgi_inconfig); if (!iport[n]) fprintf(stderr,"Pd: failed to open audio read port\n"); /* now try to set sampl erate */ pvbuf[0].param = AL_RATE; pvbuf[0].value.ll = alDoubleToFixed(rate); if((err = alSetParams(in_dev, pvbuf, 1)) < 0) { post("could not set specified sample rate for input (%s)\n", sgi_get_error_message(err)); if(pvbuf[0].sizeOut < 0) post("rate was invalid\n"); } /* check how many channels we actually got */ pvbuf[0].param = AL_CHANNELS; if(alGetParams(in_dev, pvbuf, 1) < 0) { post("could not figure out how many input channels we got"); gotchannels = chin[n]; /* assume we got them all */ } else { gotchannels = pvbuf[0].value.i; } inchans += gotchannels; /* count total number of channels */ sys_ninchans[n] = gotchannels; /* remember channels for this device */ } for (n = 0; n < noutdev; n++) { int gotchannels; int thisdevice = outdev[n]; int wantchannels = chout[n]; char *outdevnames[4] = {"DefaultOut", "AnalogOut", "AESOut", "ADATOut"}; if(thisdevice > 0) /* open specified defice by name */ { if(sys_verbose)post("opening %s", outdevnames[thisdevice]); out_dev = alGetResourceByName(AL_SYSTEM, outdevnames[thisdevice], AL_DEVICE_TYPE); } else /* open default device */ { if(sys_verbose)post("opening %s", outdevnames[0]); out_dev = AL_DEFAULT_OUTPUT; } if(!out_dev) { error("%s\n", sgi_get_error_message(out_dev)); continue; /* try next device, if any */ } /* configure the port before opening it */ sgi_outconfig = alNewConfig(); alSetSampFmt(sgi_outconfig, AL_SAMPFMT_FLOAT); alSetFloatMax(sgi_outconfig, 1.1f); alSetChannels(sgi_outconfig, chout[n]); alSetQueueSize(sgi_outconfig, sys_audiobufsamps * chout[n]); alSetDevice(sgi_outconfig, out_dev); /* open the port */ oport[n] = alOpenPort("Pd ouput port", "w", sgi_outconfig); if (!oport[n]) fprintf(stderr,"Pd: failed to open audio write port\n"); /* now try to set sample rate */ pvbuf[0].param = AL_RATE; pvbuf[0].value.ll = alDoubleToFixed(rate); if((err = alSetParams(out_dev, pvbuf, 1)) < 0) { post("could not set specified sample rate for output (%s)\n", sgi_get_error_message(err)); if(pvbuf[0].sizeOut < 0) post("rate was invalid\n"); } /* check how many channels we actually got */ pvbuf[0].param = AL_CHANNELS; if(alGetParams(out_dev, pvbuf, 1) < 0) { post("could not figure out how many output channels we got"); gotchannels = chout[n]; } else { gotchannels = pvbuf[0].value.i; } outchans += gotchannels; sys_noutchans[n] = gotchannels; } sys_noutdevs = noutdev; sys_nindevs = nindev; /* allocate memory for the number of channels we got */ sgi_setch(inchans, outchans); } void sys_close_audio(void) { /* this never gets called anyway... ;-( */ #if 0 if (iport[n]) alClosePort(iport); if (oport[n]) alClosePort(oport); #endif } void sys_close_midi( void) { /* ??? */ } t_sample *sys_soundout; t_sample *sys_soundin; float sys_dacsr; int sys_send_dacs(void) { float buf[SGI_MAXCH * DACBLKSIZE], *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4; long outfill[MAXAUDIODEV], infill[MAXAUDIODEV]; long minoutfill = 100000000; int outchannels = sys_outchannels, inchannels = sys_inchannels; int outdevchannels, indevchannels; int i, n, nwait = 0, channel; int outblk = DACBLKSIZE; int inblk = DACBLKSIZE; /* take a lok how much audio data we have available */ for(n = 0; n < sys_noutdevs; n++) { outfill[n] = alGetFillable(oport[n]); if(minoutfill > outfill[n]) minoutfill = outfill[n]; } for(n = 0; n < sys_nindevs; n++) infill[n] = alGetFilled(iport[n]); /* calculate values for level meter */ if (sgi_meters) { float maxsamp; for (i = 0, n = sys_inchannels * DACBLKSIZE, maxsamp = sgi_inmax; i < n; i++) { float f = sys_soundin[i]; if (f > maxsamp) maxsamp = f; else if (-f > maxsamp) maxsamp = -f; } sgi_inmax = maxsamp; for (i = 0, n = sys_outchannels * DACBLKSIZE, maxsamp = sgi_outmax; i < n; i++) { float f = sys_soundout[i]; if (f > maxsamp) maxsamp = f; else if (-f > maxsamp) maxsamp = -f; } sgi_outmax = maxsamp; } if (!outchannels && !inchannels) return(1); /* no need to output data, check input */ if((minoutfill <= DACBLKSIZE) && sys_nindevs) { i = 0; for(n = 0; n < sys_nindevs; n++) { /* we jsut throw away the input in case it is getting too much by the time */ while((infill[n] = alGetFilled(iport[n])) > (4*DACBLKSIZE)) { alReadFrames(iport[n], buf, DACBLKSIZE); i = 1; /* indicate we really did it */ } } if(sys_verbose && i)post("drop ADC buf"); return (0); } /* output audio data, if we use audio out */ if(sys_noutdevs) { fp2 = sys_soundout; /* point to current output position in buffer */ for(n = 0; n < sys_noutdevs; n++) { outdevchannels = sys_noutchans[n]; /* channels supported by this device */ for (channel = 0, fp1 = buf; channel < outdevchannels; channel++, fp1++, fp2 += DACBLKSIZE) { for (i = 0, fp3 = fp1, fp4 = fp2; i < DACBLKSIZE; i++, fp3 += outdevchannels, fp4++) *fp3 = *fp4, *fp4 = 0; } alWriteFrames(oport[n], buf, DACBLKSIZE); } } /* get audio data from input, if we use audio in */ if(sys_nindevs) { fp2 = sys_soundin; /* point to current input position in buffer */ for(n = 0; n < sys_nindevs; n++) { indevchannels = sys_ninchans[n]; /* channels supported by this device */ if (alGetFilled(iport[n]) > DACBLKSIZE) { alReadFrames(iport[n], buf, DACBLKSIZE); } else /* have to read but nothing's there... */ { if (sys_verbose) post("extra ADC buf"); /* set buffer to silende */ memset(buf, 0, inblk*sizeof(float)); } for (channel = 0, fp1 = buf; channel < indevchannels; channel++, fp1++, fp2 += DACBLKSIZE) { for (i = 0, fp3 = fp1, fp4 = fp2; i < DACBLKSIZE; i++, fp3 += indevchannels, fp4++) *fp4 = *fp3; } } } return (1); } /* ------------------------- MIDI -------------------------- */ #define NPORT 2 static MDport sgi_inport[NPORT]; static MDport sgi_outport[NPORT]; void sgi_open_midi(int midiin, int midiout) { int i; int sgi_nports = mdInit(); if (sgi_nports < 0) sgi_nports = 0; else if (sgi_nports > NPORT) sgi_nports = NPORT; if (sys_verbose) { if (!sgi_nports) { post("no serial ports are configured for MIDI;"); post("if you want to use MIDI, try exiting Pd, typing"); post("'startmidi -d /dev/ttyd2' to a shell, and restarting Pd."); } else if (sgi_nports == 1) post("Found one MIDI port on %s", mdGetName(0)); else if (sgi_nports == 2) post("Found MIDI ports on %s and %s", mdGetName(0), mdGetName(1)); } if (midiin) { for (i = 0; i < sgi_nports; i++) { if (!(sgi_inport[i] = mdOpenInPort(mdGetName(i)))) error("MIDI input port %d: open failed", i+1);; } } if (midiout) { for (i = 0; i < sgi_nports; i++) { if (!(sgi_outport[i] = mdOpenOutPort(mdGetName(i)))) error("MIDI output port %d: open failed", i+1);; } } return; } void sys_putmidimess(int portno, int a, int b, int c) { MDevent mdv; if (portno >= NPORT || portno < 0 || !sgi_outport[portno]) return; mdv.msg[0] = a; mdv.msg[1] = b; mdv.msg[2] = c; mdv.msg[3] = 0; mdv.sysexmsg = 0; mdv.stamp = 0; mdv.msglen = 0; if (mdSend(sgi_outport[portno], &mdv, 1) < 0) error("MIDI output error\n"); post("msg out %d %d %d", a, b, c); } void sys_putmidibyte(int portno, int foo) { error("MIDI raw byte output not available on SGI"); } void inmidi_noteon(int portno, int channel, int pitch, int velo); void inmidi_controlchange(int portno, int channel, int ctlnumber, int value); void inmidi_programchange(int portno, int channel, int value); void inmidi_pitchbend(int portno, int channel, int value); void inmidi_aftertouch(int portno, int channel, int value); void inmidi_polyaftertouch(int portno, int channel, int pitch, int value); void sys_poll_midi(void) { int i; MDport *mp; for (i = 0, mp = sgi_inport; i < NPORT; i++, mp++) { int ret, nfds; MDevent mdv; fd_set inports; struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (!*mp) continue; FD_ZERO(&inports); FD_SET(mdGetFd(*mp), &inports); if (select(mdGetFd(*mp)+1 , &inports, 0, 0, &timeout) < 0) perror("midi select"); if (FD_ISSET(mdGetFd(*mp),&inports)) { if (mdReceive(*mp, &mdv, 1) < 0) error("failure receiving message\n"); else if (mdv.msg[0] == MD_SYSEX) mdFree(mdv.sysexmsg); else { int status = mdv.msg[0]; int channel = (status & 0xf) + 1; int b1 = mdv.msg[1]; int b2 = mdv.msg[2]; switch(status & 0xf0) { case MD_NOTEOFF: inmidi_noteon(i, channel, b1, 0); break; case MD_NOTEON: inmidi_noteon(i, channel, b1, b2); break; case MD_POLYKEYPRESSURE: inmidi_polyaftertouch(i, channel, b1, b2); break; case MD_CONTROLCHANGE: inmidi_controlchange(i, channel, b1, b2); break; case MD_PITCHBENDCHANGE: inmidi_pitchbend(i, channel, ((b2 << 7) + b1)); break; case MD_PROGRAMCHANGE: inmidi_programchange(i, channel, b1); break; case MD_CHANNELPRESSURE: inmidi_aftertouch(i, channel, b1); break; } } } } } /* ----------------------- public routines ----------------------- */ void sys_listdevs( void) { post("common devices on SGI machines:"); post("#-1 - Default In/Out selected in Audio Panel"); post("#1 - Analog In/Out"); post("#2 - AES In/Out"); post("#3 - ADAT I/O"); } void sys_open_audio(int naudioindev, int *audioindev, int nchindev, int *chindev, int naudiooutdev, int *audiooutdev, int nchoutdev, int *choutdev, int rate) /* IOhannes */ { int inchans=0; int outchans=0; int i; if(rate < 1) rate = 44100; if (naudioindev == -1) /* not set */ { if (nchindev==-1) { nchindev=1; chindev[0] = DEFAULTCHANS; naudioindev=1; audioindev[0] = DEFAULTINDEV; } else { for (i = 0; i < MAXAUDIODEV; i++) audioindev[i]=i+1; naudioindev = nchindev; } } else /* audioindev is specified */ { if (nchindev == -1) /* no channels specified */ { nchindev = naudioindev; for (i = 0; i < naudioindev; i++) chindev[i] = DEFAULTCHANS; } else if (nchindev > naudioindev) { for (i = naudioindev; i < nchindev; i++) { if (i == 0) audioindev[0] = DEFAULTINDEV; else audioindev[i] = audioindev[i-1] + 1; } naudioindev = nchindev; } else if (nchindev < naudioindev) { for (i = nchindev; i < naudioindev; i++) { if (i == 0) chindev[0] = DEFAULTCHANS; else chindev[i] = chindev[i-1]; } naudioindev = nchindev; } } if (naudiooutdev == -1) /* audiooutdev not set */ { if (nchoutdev==-1) { nchoutdev=1; choutdev[0] = DEFAULTCHANS; naudiooutdev = 1; audiooutdev[0] = DEFAULTOUTDEV; } else { for (i = 0; i < MAXAUDIODEV; i++) audiooutdev[i] = i+1; naudiooutdev = nchoutdev; } } else { if (nchoutdev == -1) { nchoutdev = naudiooutdev; for (i = 0; i < naudiooutdev; i++) choutdev[i] = DEFAULTCHANS; } else if (nchoutdev > naudiooutdev) { for (i = naudiooutdev; i < nchoutdev; i++) { if (i == 0) audiooutdev[0] = DEFAULTOUTDEV; else audiooutdev[i] = audiooutdev[i-1] + 1; } naudiooutdev = nchoutdev; } else if (nchoutdev < naudiooutdev) { for (i = nchoutdev; i < naudiooutdev; i++) { if (i == 0) choutdev[0] = DEFAULTCHANS; else choutdev[i] = choutdev[i-1]; } naudiooutdev = nchoutdev; } } sgi_flush_all_underflows_to_zero(); sgi_open_audio(naudioindev, audioindev, nchindev, chindev, naudiooutdev, audiooutdev, nchoutdev, choutdev, rate); } void sys_open_midi(int nmidiin, int *midiinvec, int nmidiout, int *midioutvec) { sgi_open_midi(nmidiin!=0, nmidiout!=0); } float sys_getsr(void) { return (sys_dacsr); } void sys_audiobuf(int n) { /* set the size, in milliseconds, of the audio FIFO */ if (n < 5) n = 5; else if (n > 5000) n = 5000; fprintf(stderr, "audio buffer set to %d milliseconds\n", n); sys_schedadvance = n * 1000; } void sys_getmeters(float *inmax, float *outmax) { if (inmax) { sgi_meters = 1; *inmax = sgi_inmax; *outmax = sgi_outmax; } else sgi_meters = 0; sgi_inmax = sgi_outmax = 0; } void sys_reportidle(void) { } int sys_get_inchannels(void) { return (sys_inchannels); } int sys_get_outchannels(void) { return (sys_outchannels); } void sys_set_priority(int foo) { /* hack by at 2003/09/21 */ struct sched_param par; /* Bearing the table found in 'man realtime' in mind, I found it a */ /* good idea to use 192 as the priority setting for Pd. Any thoughts? */ if(foo) par.sched_priority = 250; /* priority for watchdog */ else par.sched_priority = 192; /* priority for pd (DSP) */ if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &par) != -1) fprintf(stderr, "priority %d scheduling enabled.\n", par.sched_priority); #ifdef _POSIX_MEMLOCK if (mlockall(MCL_FUTURE) != -1) fprintf(stderr, "memory locking enabled.\n"); #endif /* end of hack */ } void sys_setblocksize(int n) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: blocksize not settable in IRIX\n"); }