[PD] first pd patch

Comic Cuteness echolakeviewesatates at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 7 02:17:19 CEST 2002

I'm working on my first patch in pd and before I proceed working on it, 
I woud like to get some input on the sample playback engine I'm using. 
I'm wondering if I'm losing any sort of sample accuracy that I might 
obtain by using different objects or methods - I used phasor~ because it 
seemed easier to pitch. I haven't installed any other libraries other 
than the base install of pd. please forgive any 'newbieisms'  present in 
the patch. the pseudo-granular implementation is unenveloped and very 
clicky. what I would like to do is some sort of bpm-locked manipulations 
(for example: 1/4 speed playback with eight-note sized grains).


- Ian
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