[PD] GRIPD won't run.

Joseph Sarlo jsarlo at ucsd.edu
Sat Feb 15 04:06:27 CET 2003


By default, GrIPD looks for gripd.py in ../gripd (relative to PD 
executable). To change this, send the gripd object the message "set_path 
<path>" where "<path>" is the path to the directory containing gripd.py. 
See the included README.txt file and the gripd.pd patch in 
gripd/examples/ for further information

jsarlo at ucsd.edu

Frank Barknecht wrote:

>>On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Miller Puckette wrote:
>>>On the subject of "why Pd GUIs are bad in performance" check out
>>>GrIPD, Joe Sarlo's GTK-based GUI builder for Pd:
>Hm, I tried to try gripd now, as I found, that I now have a
>wxgtk2.3-python installed on Debian, yep. But it won't start.
>The only message I get, when trying to open a .gpd file is:
>GrIPD: Using port 3490
>GrIPD: Waiting for a connection...
>GrIPD: Error launching gripd.py: No such file or directory
>Around line 640 in gripd.c, there is this
>            if ((execlp(pythExec, pythExec, filename, portString,
>                 "1", lockedString, (char *)0)) == -1)
>which seems to fail. I change the source a bit to post() pythExec and
>this gives this:
>pythExec: /usr/bin/../gripd/gripd
>when trying to "open ../gripd/examples/fmsynth.gpd" as well as when
>trying to "open /full/path/to/gripd/examples/fmsynth.gpd".
>I don't quite get, why gripd looks for itself in /usr/gripd/gripd (ok,
>it's relative to /usr/bin/pd, but this is not very FHS compliant) and
>how do I change that? 

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