[PD] audio dropouts when loading samples

eskogen at usfamily.net eskogen at usfamily.net
Wed Feb 26 08:53:42 CET 2003

oops.. i actually use readsf~, which i think is bundled in 0.36?

regarding a "threaded version of soundfiler", i believe that's what readsf~  is supposed to be? see: http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/

the question remains though, what if you just have to play back the tail end of a wav file? right now i have to wait for readsf~ to stream in the whole thing ... i suppose there are offset commands and whatnot, but it seems like a real hassle, atm.


>awsome, i'm glad to stand corrected on this one ;)  i'll have to play 
>with sfread~ then :)
>eskogen at usfamily.net wrote:
>>i've used Pd for interactive performance quite a bit in the past six months
>>and this was one of the most irritating problems. my solution was to have
>>a series of tables loaded at the start with the first few samples i needed,
>>sized to be very large.
>>i then had an abstraction to sfread~ any sounds i wanted to load later on
>>into the arrays. sfread~ is threaded, so it doesn't lock up the GUI and 
>>audio cause dropouts. this would stream my samples into the array, then 
>>let me know when the samples was streamed completely. as long as my tables 
>>were large enough, it was no problem.
>>>AFAIK there is no way around it for now, if i were you i would just 
>>>preload all the samples you may want to use each into its own array and 
>>>then at performance time choose which array you read from.  how well 
>>>this will work out of course depends on how many samples you need.
>>>Matthew Nish-Lapidus wrote:
>>>has any one come up with a solution to the problem of audio dropouts when
>>>loading wav files into tables?  i'm going to be doing some performance soon,
>>>and i'd really like to be able to load these samples without getting
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