[PD] fiddle - unwanted repeated outputs

Jie Ma jma3 at student.monash.edu
Tue May 13 10:07:58 CEST 2003

hi list

i am using a fiddle-core patch to test some single instrument wave 
files. ( 2 Second 44.1Khz/s 16 bit mono ) probably because that the 
duration is a bit long (there are about 1.5 sec over which we could 
notice quite a level of amplitude in the waveform), for some of the wav 
files the fiddle seems to be generating too much note outputs. in some 
extreme cases, a 2 second wave file generate over 10 repeated readings. 
i've tried everything i could to adjust the parameters of fiddle, but 
among them it seems that only by changing the 'vibrato' this unwanted 
output problem could be eased. still, i just cannot eliminate this 
problem. (tried both 1024 and 2048 window size)

would anyone got any idea about why it is so and how to solve it? is it 
anything to do with the window size? i used to thought that by changing 
the amp-range and re-attack configuration this problem could be 
eliminated. but i fail to make it this way.

is it possible to roughly work out how many readings are done for each 
wav file? (given its duration, bit&sample rate, and all those vibrato, 
re-attack etc parametres)

thanks for help out


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