[PD] An Iterator object

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Fri May 30 11:50:14 CEST 2003

On Thu, 29 May 2003, Michael McGonagle wrote:
> Wow Kjetil, this is impressive. I do have a question about the initial
> input values to the iterator code, can they be attached to an inlet, and
> be adjusted at run time?

Yes, thats what the inlets in the object are for.

> I don't say real-time, as I don't expect to be
> changing the iterator limits or step in a performance situation. Does
> the 'I(1)' refer to the "creation argument" of that number or are the
> inlet assignments? (or both?)

> Also, does the compiled object have to be compiled everytime that the
> patch is opened?


> Or are the object files (the ones linked to PD) kept
> around from run to run?


> If they do need to be recreated each time, how
> much time does this add to the loading?
The example object takes 1/10th of a second (or something like that.) to
create on a 733Mzh piii, using gcc3 with -O2.
In other words; you hardly notice the compile-time.

> Are you using this as a "prototyping" system, where you take the
> finished C code and turn it into a full-fledged external?
Guess, you can, but its not very good for big tasks. I use it instead
of making small sub-patches with pd. Much more compact and easier
to read, and faster to create.


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