[PD] vasp, segfault

CK x at meta.lo-res.org
Wed Nov 12 11:51:20 CET 2003

hi thomas,

I read:
> does this mean that you can't create any vasp object? ( i assume the vasp
> library does load normally)

no, I can load the lib and most of the objects (I probably missed some
abstraction path) generate fine, I can also use a lot of the help stuff
in vasp/pd but all the stuff in vasp/pd_ex it tested causes a segfault

> I'll see what could go wrong but i'm not sure if i have a solution shortly.

I'll try to recompile today afternoon with -g (pd && flext && vasp) and
see if gdb reveals sth. useful (if I find the time).



chris at lo-res.org	Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/	special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)

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