[PD] working [linuxevent] released

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at eds.org
Mon Nov 17 07:41:03 CET 2003

I finally cleaned up my [linuxevent] object, got it working, and
documented it.  Its in the CVS, or you can download from my page:


[linuxevent] is an object that outputs the raw event data from the Linux
Event system.  With this object, you can use any device supported by the
Linux Event system with Pd, including mice, joysticks, tablets, wheels,
dials, etc.

Also included is [linuxmouse] and [ifeel] which work fine, and
[linuxjoystick], which barely works.  Once I get my hands on a tablet,
I'll make [linuxtablet] to make things easier.



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