[PD] comport

Marc Lavallée odradek at videotron.ca
Sun Nov 30 06:06:04 CET 2003

On Sat, Nov 29, 2003 at 10:44:41PM -0600, justin c. rounds wrote:

> has anyone had any experience using the comport object on a win2k 
> machine to send data?

Not on win2k, but on Linux.

> i'm actually trying to send commands to a lego mindstorms rcx via the ir 
> tower (in case there are any mindstorm users out there), but any related 
> comport advice/patches would be greatly appreciated.
> one specific question: how should i send data to the object? i've been 
> using messages with bytes (as decimal and hex) separated by spaces, but 
> so far with minimal results.
> some info on the protocol can be found at 
> http://graphics.stanford.edu/~kekoa/rcx/protocol.html

I don't really understand the protocol, but to me it looks like a binary
only protocol, like this good old MIDI protocol that we all learned to
love and hate. So you should send and receive data directly with the
comport object, without special translation and spaces. In case you need
to deal with ascii characters, you can try to compile my ascii externals;
there's only a makefile and a binary for Linux, so I would appreciate any
help to compile a windows version:


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