[Re: [PD] Imagemagick --enable-shared

sara at x-i.net sara at x-i.net
Fri Dec 19 23:34:27 CET 2003


Ok. I tried to install Imagemagick by source, but for some reason i can't get it
to ./configure. 
The file i had was: 
I moved the directory ImageMagick -5.5.7 to /usr/local/lib but when i try to cd
into it and run ./configure, it says:

[okaras:local/lib/ImageMagick-5.5.7] sara# ./configure --enable-shared
./configure: Command not found

Maybe this is a really stupid question, but i've no idea why it's doing this. Or
is it already configured for some reason?

some information: 

[okaras:local/lib/ImageMagick-5.5.7] sara# ls
bin   include lib    man    share

[okaras:local/lib/ImageMagick-5.5.7/bin] sara# ls
Magick++config   animate    conjure    display    import    montage
Magick-config    composite  convert    identity   magrify

libMagick.dylib is found in: [okaras:local/lib/ImageMagick-5.5.7/lib]

Any suggestions anyone?


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