[PD] Pd performance and externals in OSX, XP & Linux?

chun lee leechun at leechun.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Mar 29 23:11:57 CEST 2004

Hello Pd list:

I am new to Pd and am considering to use it for my projects. I wonder if
anyone could help me with a few questions before I start getting into it.

I have quite a bit of experiences with Max/Msp and have developed my own
externals for it. My questioin with Pd is that:

Is Pd equally developed on all platforms? Or does one platform has more
people developing externals than the others? And are they equally stable? I
have access to OSX, WinXP and Linux. Which one should I run Pd on? Or does
it not matter? 

Many thanks



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