[PD] Error: DSP loop detected (some tilde objects not scheduled)

derek at x-i.net derek at x-i.net
Sat Apr 17 15:48:09 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I'm trying to build a patch which allows the order of a signalprocessing chain
to be rearanged... for example, to put the delay either before or after the
reverb. Thre problem is that when I conect the outlets and inets of the [pd
delay] and th e[pd reverb] that I have created subpatches together, I get the
error "DSP loop detected (some tilde objects not scheduled)".

I tried putting [*~ 0] objects in the way, or even running the signals through
subpatches which can be switched on and off with [block~], but still no dice.

I've been very careful to not actually *create* any feedback loops in the patch,
as you will see if you look at the example I have attached. Is there any other
way of doing this? Or is there something wrong with my logic?


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