[PD] thread_sf - possible patch changes needed

Tim Blechmann TimBlechmann at gmx.net
Wed Jun 30 01:04:25 CEST 2004

> In what way does the threaded soundfiler affect execution order? Is it
> only, that one cannot expect to get the file lengths from soundfiler's
> outlet in a defined order?

this is the critical setup:

|read /path/to/soundfile arrayname(
|t b a|
|    |
|    |soundfiler| 
|    |

with a syncronous soundfiler, the soundfiler will output the number of
samples before the |t b a| can output the bang.

with the threaded soundfiler, the process will be started, the |t b a|
will output the bang and the soundfiler will output the number of
samples after the process finished...

this is an inconsistent behaviour, but since there is still the
possibility of access the array syncronously using messages, i don't
consider this as a big problem. having two different ways to access
arrays with both messages and a threaded soundfiler should give us the
best possibilities to use the way, we need...

cheers ... tim

mailto:TimBlechmann at gmx.de    ICQ: 96771783

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would say "I want to see the manager."
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