[PD] Re: compiling fluid~ external on osx

Christian Klotz list_pd at deviation.de
Mon Aug 30 16:44:39 CEST 2004

> Well, there is an error in the makefile for Darwin somewhere. The
> Linux makefile works, though. In the end, this is what is called on
> Linux:
> g++ -c -O6 -mcpu=pentiumpro -DPD  -I/usr/include/src 
> -I/usr/lib/pd/flext fluid/main.cpp -o pd-linux/fluid.o

this works

> g++  -shared  pd-linux/fluid.o -lm -L/usr/local/lib -lfluidsynth 
> -lreadline /usr/lib/pd/flext/flext.a   -o pd-linux/fluid.pd_linux
> The paths probably are something else on OS-X, also the linking step
> ("g++ -shared ... ") works different on OS-X. It seems to need:
> "-bundle -bundle_loader /usr/local/pd/bin/pd -flat_namespace"
I didnt found a flext.a in the compiled flext directory, so I thought I 
have to use libflext.a but this didnt work, I am not that familar with 
extended compiling stuff.
Do you know or anybody else how to get the thing to work?
Christian Klotz
Kunsthochschule Kassel / School of Arts Kassel ::digitalpool

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