[PD] Svideo and pix_video

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Fri Dec 3 10:06:50 CET 2004

Luisa Lamas wrote:
> Hi list,
> I need to use my patch, that I test at home with a DV camera and with a 
> firewire connection, with a video mix table that only as RCA and Svideo 
> output, and with this kind of connections my patch doesn´t recognize the 
> video input ...
> Is missing any information or extern ? Or, I only have a solution: to 
> buy a analog to digital convert.

well, of course you need a video-a/d-converter; i normally use cheap 
ones like bt8x8 based capture-cards (about 75,-€)

seriously, you should be able to send a "dialog source" message to 
[pix_video] (on windoze) and get a popup where you can choose your 
note furthermore, that the device has to be wdm-compliant (this is: 
allow 3rd-party applications to use it as a capture device): test it 
with other applications, like premiere.
i once bought a (not so cheap) USB-video-capture-device by pinnacle 
which claimed to have wdm-capture-drivers.
however, i could only use the shipped application to capture something 
(no Gem, no premiere); when i asked pinnacle what was wrong, they told 
me that this card will only work with their software and they were not 
planning to support other software or even standardized drivers (not to 
speak of other OSes than windoze) and that i should piss off (ok, they 
didn't tell me that)


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