[PD] PD Repertoy Project info

B. Bogart ben at ekran.org
Wed Mar 30 21:32:46 CEST 2005

There has been a lot of talk about electronic media conservation
especially in terms of art galleries and so on. Anyhow this link may be
of interest:


There is a project that aims to create a data-base that represents the
intension of the artist so that when a work needs to be reimplimented
after the artist is no longer available they have an archive. This is a
serious problem for big galleries like MoMA and so there is some money
in developing a solution for it.


Jamie Bullock wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I think some kind of effort to consolidate works that use near obsolete
> technology is essential if the works are to continue being performed.
> However, just from my very limited experience of updating early works,
> which use (for example) Yamaha DX and TX series synths, and E-mu
> samplers, I can envisage that a centralised project to do this could be
> a time consuming, and possibly thankless task.
> I think that a good way forward for this would be a 'prevention rather
> than cure' approach. I have sometimes had to produce inaccurate
> performances of works because the composer's documentation for live
> electronics has been incomplete or unclear, and the composer has not
> been available for contact. A possibility for resolving this could be
> some kind of loose standard for documentation. The rationale behind this
> is that if the techniques are sufficiently well documented, it should be
> possible to reproduce them from the documentation using currently
> available technology. In this sense the PDRP is still a very useful
> resource, particularly from a musicological standpoint.
> Perhaps the project should become the live electronics Repertory
> Documentation Project. Once some kind of standard format has been
> established (a bit like the How-to philposophy from the Linux
> Documentation Project), it might gradually become common practice.
> Wishful thinking?
> Jamie
> On Tue, 2005-03-29 at 15:15 +0200, ggkarman at musicologia.com wrote:
>>Hello Arie,
>>>>What is the expected future of PDRP in the short? Is the music to be
>>included restricted to originally pd/fts/max.. pieces?
>>>-This whole attemp was rather nastily twarted by IRCAM.
>>> Miller developed some considerable tools, used
>>> in their first phase of realizing score-following.
>>> They revised their technology with FTM & Suivi objects
>>> and more or less denied him the right to continue.
>>> Also the repertory using these seem to santified by
>>> IRCAM.
>>I'm really sorry. I didn't know about this. I hope this question hasn't
>>been inconvenient. This is really sad.
>>>>i've seen several edus are teaching live electronic classics, but
>>haven't found >any more patches out there.
>>>-Maybe this a good reason to start the basis of a general
>>I wish that patches, scores and other materials would be of free access to
>>the rest of the world, at least for educational use. That can surely be
>>handled by some kind of licence.
>>>and the registration of that.
>>I'm sorry but i dont understand what you mean with 'the registration'. Do
>>you mean a (world-wide catalogue), like RISM or something like that?
>>>Different pieces / different composers / different demands
>>>demand different tools: PD, Max/MSP, SuperCollider.
>>Are there any 'open' classical pieces under these other platforms?
>>>The outcome of these considerations need to be that
>>>a more genral description is provided by people who
>>>want  these resources to be applied and to be applicable
>>>to their work(s).
>>But as this hasn't been done very frecuently yet, will we have to wait 75
>>years (or whatever the time of the rights of the music and software to
>>become public domain) to get our hands on this music?
>>>Miller's attempt is is something to be encouraged.
>>Indeed it is.
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