[PD] 2 Gem questions

B. Bogart ben at ekran.org
Tue Apr 26 15:45:47 CEST 2005

Ok, time to chime in.

I've presonally never been able to gem Gem to render without messing up
audio. The way the render chain works DOES interfere with audio
rendering, at least it did on linux 2-3 years ago when I last did audio
and Gem at the same time.

For maximum flexibility you should run two instances of PD, one for Gem
and one for Audio. They can communicate using local socket
netsend,netreceive. To get even better performance put the audio on a
different machine than the video.

Maybe someone with better knowledge of PDs scheduling could chime into
why this happens and why some machines (patricks gentoo 2.6.11 (is that
a low-latency kernel?) seems to work great.


Oded Ben-Tal wrote:
>>In regards to part 2, have you tried either using the -rt flag for PD
>>(may require sudo or root, depending on your config) or using JACK? The
>>first solution (realtime) often fixes many click problems. Otherwise,
>>you might also make sure your video card is properly set up. Type
>>"glxinfo" and look for the line:
>>direct rendering: Yes
>>to see if OpenGL is properly set up for your graphics card.
> 1) I checked and I have direct rendering: yes.
> 2) I tried -rt and it makes no difference. I also tried changing -audiobuf
> and -blocksize (up and down) and I still get frequent audio pops.
> 3) I haven't tried using 2 pds in parallel one for sound one for graphics.
> But the sound is only playback of an existing file (no processing) through
> [sfplay] so my intuition is that it doesn't make much sense in terms of
> computation load.
> 4) I don't work with Jack bacause I get x_run errors and added noise.
> any other ideas?
> thanks
> Oded
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