[PD] with subject this time: install pmpd and ASIO on winxp

Falk Grieffenhagen.de lists at grieffenhagen.de
Sat Apr 30 13:44:41 CEST 2005

Hi List,

I just tried to install pd incl gem and pmpd on winxp. I got the 
installer from hans christoph steiners site used the gem 0.9.0 
installer, added the glut.dll and  the binaries for pmpd  It all seemd 
to work fine exept 2 things:

1. I´d like to use the Digi001 Audiointerface which has ASIO support,  
If I select Media/ASIO(via portable) The digidesign drivers will show 
up but no audio comes out and the system performance will be around 
100%. Max for example works beautiful with that driver.

2. the examples of pmpd: Many objects simply lost the connection 
between each other. If I draw them again the example will work. I saved 
the startup messages below after opening the pmpd example file 
03_chaos2D.pd. All the gem examples are working. There are errors but 
maybe some of you can read them...
Maybe something is wrong with the order of loading. All objects seem to 
be there even if it says couldn´t create...  There might be a font 
problem too??

thanks for your time


C:\Programme\Pure Data>"bin\pd.exe" -font 10 -path "doc\vasp" -lib 
cyclone -lib
iem_t3_lib -lib iem_mp3 -lib mjLib -lib OSC -lib percolate -lib sIgpAck 
-lib vas
p -lib xeq -lib xsample -lib zexy -lib iemlib1 -lib iemlib2 -listdev    
ib pmpd -lib Gem
input devices:
1. Yamaha DS1x Native Audio
output devices:
0. Yamaha DS1x Native Audio
API number 3

input devices:
1. Yamaha PCI, Externes MIDI
2. USB-Audiogerõt
3. USB-Audiogerõt [2]
output devices:
0. USB-Audiogerõt
1. USB-Audiogerõt [2]
2. USB-Audiogerõt [3]
3. Yamaha PCI FM-Synthesizer
4. Yamaha PCI, Externes MIDI
5. Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth
not using MIDI input (use 'pd -midiindev 1' to override)
12 audio buffers
this is cyclone 0.1, 47th alpha build
iem_t3_lib (R-1.15) library loaded!
iem_mp3 (R-1.15) library loaded!
mjLib: can't load library
OSCroute object version 1.05 by Matt Wright. pd: jdl Win32 raf.
OSCroute Copyright ® 1999 Regents of the University of California. All 
Rights Re
O  : Open Sound Control 4 PD, http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OSC
  S : original code by matt wright, pd hakcs cxc, Win32-port 
raf at interaccess.com
   C: ver: 0.2, compiled: Mar 28 2004
PeRColate: written for Max/MSP by Dan Trueman and R. Luke DuBois
PeRColate: ported to PD by Olaf Matthes <olaf.matthes at gmx.de>
PeRColate: adapted to Linux by Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu <umbpux at tin.it>
PeRColate: help files ported by Martin Dupras <martin.dupras at uwe.ac.uk>
PeRColate: version: 0.09
PeRColate: compiled: Apr  4 2003, 15:31:24
PeRColate: home: http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/percolate/
PeRColate: Physical Modeling: plucked~ mandolin~ flute~ bowed~ bowedbar~
PeRColate:                    clarinet~ brass~
PeRColate: Modal Synthesis:   agogo~ marimba~ vibraphone~
PeRColate: PhISM:             bamboo~ cabasa~ guiro~ metashake~ sekere~
PeRColate:                    shaker~ sleigh~ tamb~ wuter~
PeRColate: MaxGens:           gen5 gen7 gen9 gen10 gen17 gen24 gen25
PeRColate: SID:               absmax~ absmin~ escalator~ flip~ jitter~
PeRColate:                    klutz~ random~ chase~ terrain~ waffle~ 
PeRColate: Random DSP:        dcblock~ gQ~ munger~ scrub~
sIgpAck: can't load library

            VASP modular 0.1.2
    vector assembling signal processor
        (C)2002-2003 Thomas Grill


beware! this is xeq 0.1, 2nd beta build... it may bite!
xsample objects, version 0.3.0pre15

   xrecord~, xplay~, xgroove~
   (C)2001-2003 Thomas Grill

         ♥  the zexy external  1.3  ♥
         ♥ (l)  forum::f³r::umlõute ♥
         ♥  compiled:  Jun 18 2003  ♥
         ♥ send me a 'help' message ♥

iemlib1 (R-1.15) library loaded!
iemlib2 (R-1.15) library loaded!

      pmpd = Physical Modeling for Pure Data
      version 0.06
      compiled Oct 28 2004
      Contact : cyrille.henry at la-kitchen.fr

GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
GEM: ver: 0.90
GEM: compiled: Aug  3 2004
GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: Authors :  Mark Danks (original version on irix/windows)
GEM:            Chris Clepper (macOS-X)
GEM:            Daniel Heckenberg (windows)
GEM:            James Tittle (macOS-X)
GEM:            IOhannes m zmoelnig (linux/windows)
error: "2Qj¯®ñá▼Ü▲§: no such object
error: 'ãÿ&ë*®I: no such object
error: Nî─ìí0: no such object
error: äÔ#º)ò'←+}◄ =î¿FÃ/àºp▬f╔ÿö9RÚªƒË¶äËSÇÔ¤┼↑: no such object
error: |¿}^═ëÝ┬ºãÑ↔┬♀§←: no such object
error: Åþæç♠¢c6¤▓P¸i│ÆÑ°¸å°Ð└Ó>'C▄M·S:°ÌýÑ└J▄¾Ò#Êrq­²█: no such object

Falk Grieffenhagen
Nordstraße 46
D-40477 Düsseldorf

Tel: 0211-4911601
Fax, Voicebox, SMS als e-mail:
mobil: 0163-2546194
falk at grieffenhagen.de
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