[PD] more compilation probs

Frank Barknecht fbar at footils.org
Thu Oct 27 00:07:28 CEST 2005

Matthew Williams hat gesagt: // Matthew Williams wrote:

> But it's sorta lame to just use a plugin built by someone else,
> although it does sound tight .. i won't use it besides it's not for
> os x anyway.  So thats my main goal for the moment.  Since you teach
> pd,  and have seen lots of different types of people use pd... what
> is the learning curve for someone of average intelligence.  Is it
> the kind  of thing where like one day it'll click and i'll be able
> to do any sort of thing i can think of.  

It's very similar to learning an old fashioned real instrument like
the piano or saxophone: It won't make click one day, but if you listen
to stuff you recorded while rehearsing two months ago, the difference
will be huge. The same can happen, if you look at your patches from
weeks or even years ago. You will think: "Man, today I would do this
much cleaner, faster and simpler. However I still had great fun back

> Because at the moment i have to go over tutorials 3 times before i
> really grasp what tha hell is actually going on.  Even then i don't
> feel like i could create anything from what i've learned... but then
> again i'm only 1/2 through the control samples so it's a little to
> soon to tell if i really can  "get it".  

I'd say that's perfectly normal. And it's good that you really go
through the control examples. It's tempting to skip them, because
doing audio may be so much cooler, but the control stuff is very
important. It's also good to re-read the html-manual several times.
It's very concise and it's easy to miss stuff if only reading it once. 

The two most important things to learn IMO are [trigger] and the flow
of execution in a Pd patch and later the role abstractions and their
arguments play. This will make it much easier to understand and read
patches by other people.

Reading a good introduction to sound synthesis is very helpful, too.
Of course Miller's book comes to mind, however for a more "friendly"
introduction try to get a copy of Dodge/Jerse: "Computer Music". 

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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