[PD] Messages in an external

CK chris at lo-res.org
Thu Nov 3 10:19:20 CET 2005

hi piotr,

> I use outlet_float() in an external to output messages. How often is it 
> allowed to send a message in a loop? I didn't find anything about it...

short answer is there isn't - you can go as fast as current blocksize
allows, long answer is a bit dependent on what you are trying to do - 
best practice IMO if you have to update a value regularly is to request
a clock from pd, set a sensible default and use this as a tick to send
out your floats, I'd also make the delay time settable by the user with
some message (i.e. [ refresh $1 ( )



chris at lo-res.org	Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/	special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)

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