[PD] gatom length and osx problems

carmen ix at replic.net
Thu Nov 3 17:49:17 CET 2005

On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 04:36:34PM +0000, Ed Kelly wrote:

> patch involves a lot of shell operations (using
> ggee/control/shell - the osx version appears to have
> only one outlet, is there a reason?) and I can only
> make gatom 80 characters long. I think this is why a *
> appears in my pathnames at the 80th character, e.g.
> /Users/patricksutherland/Documents/Edkelly/testinput/Andrew
> Sachs/excerpts/Ex-*
> On the other hand this is coming from a [ makesymbol
> %s-voicing] where the %s is another path.
> It works fine under Linux, but in osx things don't
> work! Anyone know why/how to fix it?

i couldnt get shell to work how i wanted on linux, or to work at all on windows, so i made a [popen] which is in CVs.. you could try that, but be warned it is not threaded at all, yur pd will 'freeze' while its waiting for return..

your [shell] issue is probably not too complicated, maybe an OSX user can figure it out :)

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