[PD] routing PD gui commands back into PD via netreceive

CK chris at lo-res.org
Tue Jan 3 09:22:17 CET 2006

I read:
> #1. How can I start PD so that the PD GUI commands get sent to the
> regular PD port, as well as to a second port using a netreceive? I guess
> something like tee for sockets?

not necessary see below,
> #2. Any ideas on interpreting this data, it should all be ; delimited,
> so netreceive should see it fine, and there should be no illegal

ngrep -d lo | nc localhost 6543 # or whatever port your netreceive uses

> characters in it. How could I intrepret it rawly though? perhaps using
> any2ascii to convert each character into an ASCII value?

hmmm there /shouldn't/ be any but then again ...



chris at lo-res.org	Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/	special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)

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