R: [PD] Re: [PD-announce] clr: externals in CLR assemblies

Thomas Grill gr at grrrr.org
Fri Jan 20 11:47:43 CET 2006

Hi all,

> BTW, anyone looked at SWIG ? It could provide a multilanguage 
> interface to
> Pd's API and/or Flext's API. SWIG generates wrappers from C++ code to
> Python, Ruby, Perl, Java, C#, Tcl, PHP, Lua, and several kinds of LISP
> (Guile, AllegroCL, CMUCL, ...).

i tried to use SWIG with Python, but the wrappers which should be 
independent from the actual targetted language quickly became cluttered 
with language stubs, especially with API functions using callbacks and 
such, which i felt very unconfident about.
Consequenty I switched to Python-specific C++-wrappers (PyCXX) that i 
found much more usable.
Concerning CLR i would prefer a well-designed PD-API interface specific 
for CLR (which then includes a number of target languages) over a 
compromise using SWIG. On the other hand, it might well be that SWIG 
has developed in the meantime, providing all the things needed for a 
language-independent wrapper definition.


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