[PD] definitions of data types

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Mon Feb 6 10:27:28 CET 2006

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> For data types, I think its easiest to look to [route], [trigger], and 
> [select], three Pd objects whose core function is to interpret data 
> types.  And this will give some perhaps surprising results.  For  example:
> [word(
> |
> [select symbol]
> this tells us "error: select: no method for 'word'", therefore [word( 
> is not a symbol.

very empiristic indeed.

btw, i don't know why you consider these results as "surprising".
i think people with _no_ knowledge of pd will think it very surprising
if [select symbol] would select anything _but_ "symbol" (like "word")
people who are used to pd should be surprised about this any more (since
they are used to it)


> This error message seems to tell us that [word( is not a symbol also.

nobody said that "word" is a symbol.

but nevermind...

> bang
> float (== numeric element)
> list  (== list series)
> pointer
> symbol
> symbolic element
> selector series
> Here are some attempts at definitions:
> list:  a series of 2 or more elements whose first element is either the 
> selector "list", or a float, which causes the "list" selector to be

i think this is a bad start.
implying "list" or "float" is an exception and should be handled as
such: at the very end of the documentation! if people would use [float
1( instead of [1(, then i think that there would be less confusion.
so we should get people to _think_ [float 1(, even though they _write_ [1(.

> symbol: a symbol is a two element series where the first element is the 
> "symbol" selector and the second element is a symbolic element.  But 
> any series with a selector of "symbol" with more than two elements is 
> automatically converted to a symbol by truncating all other symbolic 
> elements but the "symbol" selector and the second element.

isn't the 3rd argument of [list 1 two drei( a symbol too?

> selector series: a series of 2 or more elements whose first element is 
> neither the selector "list" nor a numeric element.  But it needs a 
> better term.

how about "anything" (just joking)

> numeric element: any element which is a functional representation of a 
> number.  In Pd, a numeric element is the same as a float.
> symbolic element: any element which is not a functional representation 
> of a number, usually in the form of words

and don't forget "pointer element".

apropos, isn't "element" a synonym for "atom"?


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