[PD] Gridflow objects creation problem

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Fri Apr 7 20:56:08 CEST 2006

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Jerome Tuncer wrote:

> - Install ruby 1.9 which is "not supported" by ubuntu team (i.e. part ot
>   the universe/multiverse repositories)

I don't have a choice. The bugfix that I need did *not* get backported to
Ruby 1.8, and it's been well over a year.

> - Make symlink called /usr/bin/ruby to /usr/bin/ruby1.9
> -> $ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.9 /usr/bin/ruby

You don't need that (?), you can run "ruby1.9 configure" instead of

> - Make symlink called /usr/lib/libruby.so to /usr/lib/libruby1.9.so.1.9.0
> -> $ sudo ln -s  ./libruby1.9.so.1.9.0 ./libruby

That's wrong because compiling with -lruby will look for libruby.so, so
you are missing the .so suffix; but recent versions of GridFlow include a
detection for "-lruby1.9". I run Ubuntu but I installed Ruby from source
so for me Ruby 1.9 uses "-lruby" and the executable is called just

> created) written somewhere to save me some time. Maybe in gridflow html doc
> Matju? Added to the "other tips" section in it? As a noob subsection? (-:

I've just added a note about "ruby1.9 configure".

> Ruby's path = ["/home/jerome/pdStuff/gridflow-CVS/..",
> "/home/jerome/pdStuff/gridflow-CVS",
> "/home/jerome/pdStuff/gridflow-CVS/optional/rblti",

> Which seems to be OK. Or maybe there's something wrong with Ruby's path?

It always prints it these days, because there's a new feature that detects 
where gridflow.pd_linux is and adds it to Ruby's path when loading 
GridFlow. That's why you don't have to do "make install" anymore. The 
above settings look good.

> But as soon as I try to open any gridflow example patch:
> error: NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for GridFlow::FObject:Class

This is weird, I don't get it. The method "[]" certainly is defined for
the GridFlow::FObject class. There has to be another error message that 
you didn't tell me.

>  # rand
> ... couldn't create
> This is an example with the #rand object

btw there's no [#rand] object, it's [#] and it takes the argument "rand".

 _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju
| Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada

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