Patchr (( was Re: [PD] pd-based procedural chord progression database..

Frank Barknecht fbar at
Tue Aug 15 23:37:21 CEST 2006

Alexandre Quessy hat gesagt: // Alexandre Quessy wrote:

> But I would like it to be on, in order to avoid further
> separation of all the resources, and I would like it to be on Drupal.
> There are very nice modules for folksonomy and we could write a module
> for PD patches. We could even use the PD firefox extension.... some
> day. Drupal code is much legible and refactorable. (even if in PHP)

AFAIK there is work going on at IEM to develop a Pd-patch product for
Plone. Plone can do everything that Drupal can, and then some. I'm not
a big fan of Zope myself, but the infrastructure is there, IEM
maintains the site, so personally I don't see the need to switch the
content management system. 

However we need a custom skin for the site. So far nobody did one. 

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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