[PD] Best practice for abstractions with many parameters

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at eds.org
Fri Oct 13 02:42:09 CEST 2006

My first thought is that I think that inlets are a more intuitive way  
of handling input parameters in Pd.  But there is definitely a limit  
to how many inlets and outlets you can have.  I try to break down the  
problem into small enough units so that only inlets can be used, no  
parameter messages.

If you have more than 5 or so parameters, then I think a message- 
based parameter system is necessary.  Then I think that it should be  
only a message-based system, not something like 5 inlets which one  
inlet that handles a bunch of extra messages.  Keep in mind, these  
are general rules, so I am sure there occasional exceptions where it  
makes sense.

It the case that you describe, I would first try to break up the  
problem into more objects, maybe one that handles enveloping/ 
windowing and one that handles grain making (I am just guessing here,  
I don't know a_grain).  But if you still want it to be one object  
with 14 paramenters, I would make everything use messages, like you  


On Oct 12, 2006, at 2:24 PM, Phil Stone wrote:

> I've been playing with Jamie Bullock's 'a_grain' lately (see http:// 
> www.puredata.org/Members/jb/a_grain%7E/view ), and in order to  
> understand it better, I've been refactoring it.
> A_grain has 14 inputs to control various parameters; my first  
> approach to cleaning it up was to put all the inlets, in the  
> correct order, at the top of the patch -- I then connected those  
> inlets to 'send' objects with $0 variables, placing matching  
> 'receive's close by where they are needed.  This really cleaned up  
> the wiring quite a bit, and made it easier to "read".
> Now it occurs to me that I could eliminate the inlets entirely, and  
> just write to send/receive pairs directly (perhaps also passing in  
> a "prefix" as an argument that is prepended to all receives inside  
> the abstraction, which would allow multiple instantiations of the  
> abstraction, with independent control of each).  At the UI-level  
> patch, I could use named senders (from number boxes, sliders,  
> whatever) just hovering nearby the a_grain abstraction; no wires,  
> no mess.
> I'm wondering what experienced PD architects consider the best  
> practice here; if the second approach is better, I begin to  
> question the advisability of wired inlets for more than two or  
> three arguments.  The left-to-right ordering of them, along with  
> the rats-nest wiring caused by high numbers of inputs, seem to  
> argue against them.  The only downside I can see to the second  
> method is that if it's not done neatly, i.e., the senders are  
> placed indiscriminately and not necessarily near the abstraction  
> they're sending to -- it could become very hard to understand/ 
> maintain the patch.
> I'll be interested to hear other PD user's thoughts on this.
> Phil Stone
> UC Davis
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If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of  
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an  
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