[PD] open a subpatch with toxy

Patco megalegoland at yahoo.fr
Sat Dec 16 16:05:30 CET 2006

>> m.weiss a écrit :
>>> opening a subpatch or window in pd makes this growin bigger each
>>> time it is opened

I believe that the problemcomes from those lines in pd.tk:

Line 863:

# slide offscreen windows into view
    if {$tcl_version >= 8.4} {
        set geometry [split $geometry +]
        set i 1
        foreach geo {width height} {
            set screen($geo) [winfo screen$geo .]
            if {[expr [lindex $geometry $i] + [set $geo]] > $screen($geo)} {
                set pos($geo) [expr $screen($geo) - [set $geo]]
                if {$pos($geo) < 0} {set pos($geo) 0}
                lset geometry $i $pos($geo)
            incr i
        set geometry [join $geometry +]

I tried to modify this code but I would have lucky if it worked,
maybe someone could fix this?


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