[PD] Failed phase vocoder

Owen Cannon ocannon at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 12:07:13 CEST 2007

Hi list

I made a phase vocoder based on txts & examples on www, and it  
doesn't work. It's in a zip file at <http://tinyurl.com/2bts5j> (see  
the voc subpatch of canvas.pd).

- The Hann array (hann) holds the first 1/3 samples of a window  
generated using  an [osc~] at frequency of (samplerate 44100 /  
blocksize 2048)*
- Sample list from $1-phase-imag & $1-phase-real array properties  
window do not appear.

- The console repeats 'error: dac~: bad vector'.

Any ideas?
regards Owen

*) that is lifted from I07.phase.vocoder pd-hann-window

best wishes OC

Many ambitions to excel which tantalize mortals in the flesh will not  
persist with these same mortals in the spirit careers. 44:8.4

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