[PD] settable send (pd 0.40+)

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Tue Sep 18 09:38:08 CEST 2007

hard off wrote:
> to follow on from a previous thread,
> how does the settable send work in pd 0.40 (i haven't installed it yet)
> if it is just like:
> [set x(
> |
> [send y]
> then, won't this break backwards compatibility?  i often use [send] to 
> pass  set messages on, particularly for example when using [tabread4~]

no, luckily it is not like that (even though people kept requesting it 
:-)) (that is exactly what i was referring to in my sidekick on 
"set"-able sends)

it is like:

...   [symbol newname(
|     |
[send ]

that is: if your create a [send] object without(!) a send-name, it will 
have a second inlet which can be used to set the send-name.
whatever(!) you send to the first inlet (including "set bla") will be 
send to the receiver.

so you can seafely upgrade to 0.40 (and you really should do so; it is 
very nice...)


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