[PD] complex metronomes sequencing problem

Andy Farnell padawan12 at obiwannabe.co.uk
Sun Dec 23 21:55:32 CET 2007

If you have two or more independent metronomes that form a polyrhythmic 
relationship then stopping them will lose the relationship. Each will 
begin its timing series from the same "zero point".

A synchronous system is probably better if you want to start and stop 
the composition at arbitrary points and have it resume.

The general problem with a synchronous system is that the smallest timing
resolution is the division of the master clock at all points.

But there are also two quite distinct approaches to synchronous sequencers in 
Pd having different properties.

One is based on bangs and built from many subsystems that each hold their own 
state. These "state aware" subsequences use a local counter and a [select] 
object. The advantage here is that if you stop the master bang message source,
each will remain in it's last state until new bangs start to flow. The 
disadvantage is that no part of the system is "time aware", so you cannot 
jump forwards or backwards a number of beats to see what the sequence is 
like without explicitly going through all steps.

The second kind is "time aware". Instead of sending bangs you send float 
messages which represent the current time. You can use combinations of 
[moses], [mod], [change] and simple arithmetic to make subsystems behave 
in different ways. You can jump forwards, backwards or pause the sequence 
in any way you like.

If you want sample accurate timing you can try an interesting approach that 
Chun Lee and I have both experimented with, composition entirely in the 
signal domain. You start with a very slow [phasor~] or [vline~] and calculate 
all sequence timings using a mixture of [wrap~], [rpole~]/[rzero~] and 
[min~]/[max~] to constrain, integrate or differentiate the timebase. This has 
some really nice features, like being able to warp the timebase and get swings 
or extremely smooth tempo changes. You can also warp parts independently and 
have them converge on some point in the future with sample accuracy (like 
spinning back a sample table and having it land exactly on the beat... which 
you cannot do in any other software afaik). The disadvantage to this is that 
you're limited to songs of less than about 5 mins because of rounding errors. 

On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 21:08:08 +0100
"Libero Mureddu" <libero.mureddu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello to everybody!
> I have a problem and I'd need that someone could point me at least to
> the right approach to solve it.
> Let's say I have three simple metronomes running, built with metro.
> Their speed is 1000 1001 and 1002 ms (in my case I have 88 of them,
> running at different speeds).
> I'd like to have the possibility to:
> a) keep the proportion constant between them and change the global
> tempo (i.e. 100, 100.1, 100.2 etc)
> b) I'd like to stop and restore the metros with their right time
> differences: if they start at the same time (from the same bang), they
> create a particular net of rhythms, that I'd like to control, analyze
> and change. I'd like to be able to stop them at a certain point and
> restart from another but keeping the same rhythmic combination.
> I know that this exist and is called sequencer :-)
> But I want to control this using pd but I don't know really how to do
> it, and also this is the simplest example: some parts could start at a
> certain point a change towards a different tempo in a certain time,
> having different dynamic according to a particular pattern etc. etc.
> So I think pd would a good platform to implement this.
> I was thinking to have a global metro running at 1 ms speed with a
> counter that reads many different arrays: the first of 1000 values
> (the first "1" and the other values "0"), the second of 1001 values
> and the third 1002 values and so on.
> But this works if I decide in advance the metros speed and leave it
> fixed, but I want to be able to modify the speed and still being able
> to restart, stop etc.
> Other idea was to have many qlists, but again, a note approach would
> give the problem of sync between the different notes.
> Any help appreciated!
> Thanks, best regards and
> Merry Christmas!
>  Libero
> -- 
> Libero Mureddu
> Vanha Viertotie, 21 as 417
> 00350 Helsinki
> Finland
> http://webusers.siba.fi/~limuredd/
> http://www.myspace.com/liberomureddu
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