[PD] Help Docs: element vs. item

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Fri Aug 14 01:16:39 CEST 2009

On Aug 13, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> On Aug 12, 2009, at 6:22 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
>>>> There's an implicit step when the term "message" is used (i.e.,  
>>>> typing something in a message box and sending it to the object).   
>>>> But if you look at the Max docs where they say, "the word 'set'  
>>>> followed by a number", there's not even that.
>>> And so... how are the Max docs related to how Pd should be  
>>> documented?...
>> They are widely regarded and good to learn from, and Pd is part of  
>> the Max family.
> Yeah, but that doesn't give a specific reason why a specific aspect  
> of the Max docs should be the reference in the case of this specific  
> question.

Pd's type system is directly related to Max/MSP's type system.  That's  
a good reason to read the Max/MSP docs.



"It is convenient to imagine a power beyond us because that means we  
don't have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of  
Environmentalism", by Curtis White

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