[PD] Report on Pd-0.43.0-devel-windowsxp-i386.exe on windows xp

João Pais jmmmpais at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 15 02:19:29 CEST 2009

>> - alt-[key] doesn't work on menus? alt-f should make file menu open
> Does that work on other versions of Pd?

the only other version I have is vanilla 0.42-5. guess what, it doesn't  
work as well. probably it never did.
would it be part of the job now to make it work?

>> - text editor doesn't work, is he already gone? data properties' editor
>> works.
> It just needs to be implemented.  Any volunteers?  I've never used it so  
> I don't know what its supposed to do.  Or really, the better approach  
> IMHO is to make the in-place editing good enough so you don't need the  
> Text Editor.

actually I never used the text editor, and don't know if anyone did (the  
data structures editor yes, but that's independent). maybe it's better  
just to take it out?

- remembered something that I sugested already: what about return closes  
an object while typing? eliminates the need for an extra click.

- how about also making the line breaks on comments to work, would it go  
into this work batch?

>> - in the past I asked for pd to save window position also when windows  
>> are
>> saved on a 2nd screen (windows were always displayed on the 1st screen).
>> today this backfired, as while working with 1 screen (on a "2-screen"
>> patch) not all windows of the patch were visible. canvas values were "#N
>> canvas 1422 54" on pd file. While I salute the possibilty of having
>> windows automatically appear on multiple screens, how about also making
>> sure that they appear only in 1 screen of there aren't any more?
>> E.g. if this window's X value is 1422 and my x resolution is 1400,
>> probably subtracting the screen resolution of the window value should be
>> enough. can tcl/tk get these elements? Another representation of what I
>> meant:
>> if canvasres >= screenres, then canvasres=canvasres-screenres (apply to
>> both x and y)
> I don't have a multi-monitor setup, so I can't test this.  Ideally you'd  
> edit the code to get it working properly.  It should be pretty  
> straightforward, the code in question is in pdtk_canvas.tcl in the proc  
> called 'pdtk_canvas_new'.  You can see it gets the 'geometry' from Pd as  
> an argument to the proc, and is then set using  "wm geometry $mytoplevel  
> $geometry"  If you just do the math before running the 'wm geometry' and  
> put the right values into $geometry, then 'wm geometry' should do the  
> right thing.

the problem is that the only language I can program in is Pd. C and others  
I don't really know how to do anything.
It should be very easy to test for you, in case you want to: just open  
your pd file in a text editor, locate any line that defines a windows -  
format "#N canvas 914 187 335 381 gui 0;", being "gui" the window name -,  
and add 1000 or something to the first number (x position). If you can't  
see it when you open the patch in pd, it means it's still not ok.

>> - I get the impression that redrawing of data structures with toggle in
>> the inlet (i.e. visible/invisible) is slower now. maybe just an
>> impression? but anyway, is it possible to enhance this, is the gui work
>> related with that?
> Do you have an example patch?

I have a complicated patch with some structures in it, I can send to it  
you later. but I guess any patch will do - including your solitude.

>> - I use the [hcs/sys_gui] command to make my own color scheme (white is
>> too agressive) and to place the pd window on a corner (wm geometry).  
>> These
>> don't work now, are they going to be obsolete, or they have to adapt to
>> the new tcl code?
> They should work fine, but the color scheme variables are part of Pd- 
> extended, this is still Pd-vanilla.  I think you'd be better off porting  
> your color scheme to a Tcl plugin.  Its not hard, plus you can do a lot  
> more with it.
> http://puredata.info/dev/PdGuiRewriteTheming

sorry, but I can't understand what "you can drop them into pd/startup"  
means. I see no folder or file with that name here.

>> - x and y, x only + y only have all the same result. but I think that  
>> was
>> the normal behaviour before anyway (never used this feature)
> I've never used it either, I think it might be really old cruft...

I would ask the higher powers (miller/iem people) and get rid of it.

>> - Help->About: Pd doesn't work (so I can't tell exactly which version it
>> is)
> Yeah... not implemented yet...  it tells you the version at startup in  
> the Pd window.

Pd version 0.43-0devel-20091008, in case it's important to know.

>> Anything else specific you want to be checked, Hans?
> It would be great if you can use it for daily use, and report issues.   
> I'm starting a project where I will be doing the same thing.  That's  
> where we will really discover bugs and issues.

should be doing that from tomorrow, maybe. doesn't the ubuntu version  
comes with the pd-ext material, like the windows one?

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