[PD] loading sound from pd into csoundapi

Ed Kelly morph_2016 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Sep 13 23:45:48 CEST 2010

OK, so you are using a soundfile loaded into a function table in Csound - played 
back with a granular synthesis unit (e.g. grain).

What you need to do is set up your instrument in the orchestra file, so that the 
function table is set by a p-field.
...from the csound manual:

ares grain xamp, xpitch, xdens, kampoff, kpitchoff, kgdur, igfn, \
      iwfn, imgdur [, igrnd]igfn is the function table of your sample so...in 
your orchestra file, make it p4 and...

...to load a new soundfile into the csoundapi~ plugin

[f5 (or f6, f7 etc) 0 0 1 "whatever.wav" 0 0 1(

then if p4 is your function table, your event message sent to the csoundapi~ 
object could be:

p1 p2 p3 p4
i1 0 3600 5
p4 is your function table!

This means you have to have a new "i1" event every time you want to change the 
function table. However this should not be a problem.

Please note that this is really a question about csound, not about PD. 
csoundapi~ IS csound, just running in PD, so the messages you send to csoundapi~ 
are csound score commands (f - function table, i - instrument event, t - tempo 
etc etc.)

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----- Original Message ----
From: ronni montoya <ronni.montoya at gmail.com>
To: pd-list at iem.at
Sent: Mon, 13 September, 2010 20:25:05
Subject: [PD] loading sound from pd into csoundapi

Hello everybody, im using csound with pd using csoundapi, Im not
really a csound guy so i been mostly experimenting with csound codes
made by other, like granular synthesis codes. If i want to send a
parameter from pd to csound i just add this line in csound:
gk3 invalue "grain_size"

I was wondering how can a do for loading sounds in csound from pd.
i would like to have different options like sound1.wav, sound2.wav  ,
sound3.wav. as pd messages
and then just select from pd the sound i want to load into csound. Do
anybody know can i do this in csound/pd?

This is my code in csound with the sound i would like to change from pd:

f1 0 0 1 "kukon.aif" 0 0 1
f2 0 1025 20 2 1

i1 0 3600


thanks in advance


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