[PD] very compressed chip sounds /Tira un péou a un asé sera tousten ostan pélut.

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Wed Oct 19 03:25:10 CEST 2011

Le 2011-10-17 à 20:59:00, TAD BISAHA a écrit :

> What is this "Bouchardise"(french confectionery from Apt)??

I had to Google it. You mean « from the Alps » ? I didn't know anything 
was named Bouchard that far east (a vast majority of people with last name 
Bouchard live outside of France). Anyway, Google doesn't find anything 
about confectionery.

> before honouring you with insulting purposes?

Huh, how did Guilhermo insult you ?

> PS: And for the guys who think that the french spoken is the french 
> native langage.

What does that mean ?

> A good meaning from Gascogne.: -Tira un péou a un asé sera tousten ostan 
> pélut.

Again, I had to google it to figure out what it means. I must add that 
this proverb is not true when the donkey has only one hair left. ;)

| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC

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