[PD] pduino test patch: "old analog/digital controls"

olsen sesselastronaut at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 24 14:31:10 CET 2011


i just put my attempt for a solution considering this pin numbering confusion into github:
take a look if time and leisure permitting - I'm herewith opening the suggestion box!

thanks in advance & salutis

On 11/09/2011 09:54 AM, olsen wrote:
> Thanks Hans for making this thing clear - I'll try to find an adequate solution for the rewritten pduino-help asap!
> best
> ø
> On 11/03/2011 03:39 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> That confusion originates from the Arduino numbering scheme itself, since it uses A0 for analog pins in analog mode,
>> but then it uses a number when using the same pin for digital things.
>> I think one way to represent this might be to allow the use of A0-A7 pin names in addition to the numbers, but then
>> the confusing thing would be that the analog messages would then be [analog 14 0.2352(. So that's why I thought to try
>> to use only the numbers, no A0-A7, and try to make that as understandable as possible.
>> .hc
>> On Nov 3, 2011, at 6:57 AM, olsen wrote:
>>> yo bonitos
>>> due to the pduino rewrite I've to reanimate this threat ;)
>>> I would like to remove the ambiguity and confusion about this old and new way of enabling the analog pins.
>>> old way of enabling the analog 0 pin is sending the following to the arduino object:
>>> [analogIns 0 1(
>>> enabling the same pin(analog 0) the new school way:
>>> [pinMode 14 analog(
>>> is this correct? if so what's a bit byte confusing for people is that in the new way pin 14 equals the analog 0 pin -
>>> guess this is a peculiarity of firmata? isn't there a possability to use f.e. A0-A5 for adressing the analog pins?
>>> thanks for info& salutis
>>> ø
>>> On 06/17/2011 10:52 AM, olsen wrote:
>>>> On 06/17/2011 12:24 AM, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
>>>>> On 06/16/2011 05:44 PM, olsen wrote:
>>>>>> it's all in the
>>>>>> arduino-help.pd by Gerda Strobl and Georg Holzmann!
>>>>> Which one???
>>>>> Not the one that is distributed together with [arduino] and [arduino-test] at http://at.or.at/hans/pd/objects.html,
>>>>> right?
>>>> yo it's in Pduino-0.5beta8 linked on this page
>>>>>> in the last subpatch [pd SWITCHING-INPUTS] you'll find the apropriate
>>>>>> messages.
>>>>> There I find the same analogIns messages that are supposed to be the old ones (but are the only ones I've found that
>>>>> work for analog pins with the latest version of Firmata)
>>>> jep i agree they're the same - i think it's a matter of wrong denotation so due to my knowledge there's nothing like
>>>> old
>>>> and newer messages -> the current 'contemporary' message for enabling the analog inputs is:
>>>> [analogIns pinumber 1=on; 0=off(
>>>> f.e. to enable analog pin 1:
>>>> [analogIns 1 1(
>>>> correct me if i'm wrong!
>>>>>> i don't know why this is commented with (optional)
>>>>> I must have another version of the help patch, as I don't see such a comment
>>>> right behind the [pd SWITCHING-INPUTS] is a comment "<- example of switching inputs on and off (optional)"
>>>>> How are the messages you're talking about?
>>>>>> i guess it's a firmata peculiarity that you've explicit have to enable
>>>>>> the analog pins as in arduino they are enabled by default - but correct
>>>>>> me if i'm wrong.
>>>>> Yes, I guess what you have to explicitly enable is to have the firmware _send_ the values to the computer. It would be
>>>>> undesirable to have a constant flood of values of all pins whether you use them or not.
>>>> jep right so with firmata the analogIns have to be enabled explicitly to use them. i think the (optional) comment
>>>> somehow makes it ambiguous. as told i'll try to consider this in the improvements we're working on!
>>>> salutis
>>>> ø
>>> --
>>> ETs DNA will not be televised
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ETs DNA will not be televised

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