[PD] 64bit runtime error 'couldn't read file "/usr/tcl//pd-gui.tcl"'

David Woodfall dave at dawoodfall.net
Wed Apr 9 10:10:28 CEST 2014

>>>I've just installed pd and when I run it I get the following line
>>>on the console, and no gui is started:
>>it would be great if you could provide some more information.
>>which version of Pd are you talking about?

Typo sorry: 0.45-4

>>where did you get Pd? how did you install Pd? (compiled from source?
>>package manager? other pre-built binary?)
>Compiled from source obtained from the pd project page, using this
>method to package it:
>   ./configure \
>   --prefix=/usr \
>   --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \
>   --sysconfdir=/etc \
>   --datadir=/usr/share/pd \
>   --localstatedir=/var \
>   --enable-alsa \
>   --enable-setuid \
>   --enable-jack \
>   --enable-portaudio \
>   --disable-portmidi
>make install DESTDIR=$PKG
>>which OS are you using?
>>your path only indicate that it is a un*x like system, but it might
>>help to know whether you are using some obscure linux distro or plain
>>irix :-)
>Slackware linux 14.1 64bit
>>>% locate pd-gui.tcl /usr/bin/pd-gui.tcl
>>is this path still used on some (linux) systems? openSuSE?
>I though most 64bit OS's used /usr/lib64?
>>>Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>>with a recent Pd you might have success by simply running:
>>  /usr/bin/pd-gui.tcl
>>(instead of just "pd"). the foremost reason why Pd does not start, is
>>that it cannot find it's own GUI component. you should be able to
>>start the GUI by itself, which will in turn start the "core" pd -
>>maybe with more success.
>I did try, but:
>% pd-gui.tcl Error in startup script: can't find package pd_connect
>   while executing
>"package require pd_connect"
>   (file "/usr/bin/pd-gui.tcl" line 26)
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