[PD] acid

Chris McCormick chris at mccormick.cx
Thu Aug 14 13:00:20 CEST 2014

Hi Brian,

On 13/08/14 01:10, Brian Fay wrote:
> I'm wondering what was off with your original, 12 year old approach - it
> looks to me like  "(maybe-not-bandlimited?)-saw-tooth-through-a-vcf"
> basically turned into
> "bandlimited-saw-tooth-or-sometimes-a-square-through-a-vcf." Doesn't
> look wildly different, but maybe the envelope and portmanteau had a big
> impact? Sounds pretty much like a 303 to my ears.

I think you're right about all of the above - the band-limited
oscillators, envelope, portmanteau etc. It's those bouncy
non-linearities that lend the 303 it's characteristic sound.

I did a bit of research to try and re-create some of that. My envelopes
are control-rate and I didn't really get the non-linear resonance
"memory" effect happening I don't think, so it's not that faithful a
reproduction, but good enough for algorave dance floors it turns out.




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